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Paddy Galore!

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Hi gents, i'm in a bit of bother with plusnet. we moved house march 2014 and transferred the phone and broadband to the new pad.

we left them back in april this year to go with a sky package, the contract was up for renewal from march this year. they are trying to screw a few more pounds out of me saying that they didn't take over the phone line until july last year although the broadband was working, and want some more money because of the shortened duration.

I've had 4 bills from them, all different amounts, and despite calling them to try and sort this matter out each time all they've done is get a debt collection agency on the case. I've been in touch with the agents and explained but I've now got another bill for even more money. what's the best way to deal with this mess?

I really could do with some pointers if anyone has a mind to,



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Debt collecting agency's are totally toothless and rely on putting fear into people .they have bought the debt from whom ever you owe the money to. Had a very similar thing happen with a mobile phone contract ,a very long storey ,I refused to pay the money that I was supposed to owe . Same thing the debt collecting agency kept writing to me threatening this that and the other and threatened to take me to court . I totally ignored them ,they even had the cheek to knock on my door ,did they get a flea in the ear . I told them that they were harassing me for a debt that I did not owe . I reported them to the trading standards office and complained that I was being harassed . Never heard any more from them . These debt collecting agency's are a bunch of parasites who try to bully people into paying money that they don't owe .



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I am not sure what ofcoms stance would be as it is a financial matter. You can ring your financial ombudsman for free advice. Will take but five minutes. They may ask you to e-mail or post supporting documentation.


This would be my first port of call. I would ring plusnet directly as well and put in a formal complaint/grievance. They may stand by their guns but they will likely offer you a reduced payment plan in manageable sums.

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cheers gents, it's not a lot of money, I could pay it easily, it's


just the principal, I've asked them to rectify the bill, itemise it, and send me a bank counterfoil to pay it, they've done none of this.

Exactly , mine was for less than 50 quid . It was the principle involved that got up my nose .



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I finished a contract early with talk talk after months of no connection and no access to important emails.They tried to get me on early redemption charges until I send them my own bill and informed them that there where two parties in this contract,them and me.As I made it quite clear that they did not meet the level of service I signed up for within that contract and after more that three oppertunites to make it right they failed.I on the other hand paid my bills on time and therefore met the contract but due to their constant failings I felt that they did not meet their half of the contract so I sent them a bill.

I finally got a apology and a refund,do not under any circumstances let these companies walk all over you, stand up to them .Did the same with supanet,they were not happy and backed out when I sent them a copy of the tribunal when they where fined £70,000 and I informed them that they where still practising the same thing they where initially took to court for by the ombudsman and that the ombudsman would be inform if they did not meet my demands.

Edited by Davyo
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