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Cheap cartridges vs fast expensive ones

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No as I said above I would not pay more for speed alone, but there are times when you can get a better performance by paying more .

That said its no good paying lots of money for a cartridge that will kill at 70 yards if you cannot hit one at 35 !

The pigeon extreme were 5 shot.

*continental 5 shot


Same as black golds, they purposely load them in "continental" shot sizes, so extreme game 5 shot is actually English 4 shot.

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I shoot Black Gold during the pheasant season. Two reasons for this:


1. I was given a box at a shoot and I shot extremely well with them, best ever on a big driven day.

2. They look very sexy.


So to explain, in my head confidence is everything I go out expecting to shoot well and when you are as ugly as me every bit of sexy helps.

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Extreme 34g 5's are a great cartridge been using them for about 3 years, good for flighting and roost shooting,but after banging off over a 100 decoying a couple of years ago, not anymore !.

Usually buy some gambore competition 28g 7/12's or clay busters they do well out to 35 yards. Extreme pigeon are English 5's.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I have to agree with the above, RC Sipe 6 shot 32gm (English 5.5 shot) I have had some incredible shots using these squibs.

When it comes to 20 gauge i really not sure yet as i have only had it a couple of weeks and the last 20g I had was 10 years ago. Been trying Eley, High Flyers in 28gm 6 shot plas wads they seem OK, But 10 years ago I settled for the Eley VIP PDP wads in 28gm 6 shot. They will be my next buy to see if they are the ones for me, now days. Members views on 20 gauge cartridges would be appreciated if you have recently tried them.

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Members views on 20 gauge cartridges would be appreciated if you have recently tried them.

As in the other thread, I like RC SIPE T3 Fibre in 26g and 28g.


If you don't mind plastic, then RC JK6 26g are a great cartridge, I think: fast and hard.


If not then Express fibre in 28g (also comes in 30g and 32g). All the above in 6 or 5.


I've shot the Fiocchis you mentioned in the other thread in 24g and they were fine.

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