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eye dominance


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Just to share a tip. I was struggling with my shooting missing alot more than i was hitting and decided to have a lesson at a clay shooting ground. found out i had a eye dominance problem. there were a few options which i tried, one was shooting from different side (couldnt get use to it), other was using a patch on eye( not good when your in the field) . i found a product called shot spot which u put on inside of glasses to block out your dominante eye when mounted. i would defo recomend even though it takes some getting use to. i was shooting around 8 shots to one hit, now shooting 3 to 1 hit. so chuffed and not so frustrated. any one suffering with this problem i would give it ago.

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I teach shooting , both clays and birds and the first thing I check is eye dominance, the only student I had with left eye dominant I asked to try shooting left handed, he was a natural and was hitting well after only two lessons even though he thought of himself as right handed, if it is possible its easier to shoot off the shoulder with the dominant eye but it would not suit all, whatever feels right you should persevere with, I have seen shooters with the spot on their glasses and as you say they do work, keep practising, and just enjoy the challenge. :good::good:

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  • 2 months later...

Thanks for this but in wet weather i tend to shoot with contacts in to save my glasses getting wet and struggling to see. I take it a patch would be the only option in this case?


No, just practice gun mounting at home, closing your left eye EVERY time you mount the gun. With practice it will become normal for you to close the eye every time, a bit like remembering to push off the safety as the gun is being mounted.

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​I did exactly the same thing two weeks ago! I always considered myself an OK shot however I felt that I should be able to get better. The harder I tried the more frustrated I got.

Up until then I had never had a lesson and just picked it up over the years. I have returned to shooting after a long break and after detaching a retina (long story) and having

a cataract operation I thought it was about time I got some help/advice. I booked a lesson at the local clay ground and explained my experiences. He checked for eye dominance

and confirmed that I have been shooting right handed with a dominant left eye. No wonder I was getting frustrated, but apparently I had learnt to compensate subconsciously!

I then started to squint my left eye as I don't wear glasses and will be fowling in poor weather so don't want to) and hey presto my hit rate improved instantly! I am now much more

confident with my sight picture and just need to practise. My instructor said I was actually a good shot and just needed a prod in the right direction. If anyone is considering a lesson;

just go for it. Worth every penny.

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hello, i started shooting at 15 with a 410 S/S then on to S/S 12 guage then O/Us and learned to shooting keeping both eyes open from a book by Major J E M Ruffer the art of good shooting, if the gun was a good fit in the shoulder and looking along the barrel rib so you just see the bead as long as you kept the target in view and pulled through on lead it worked. but when i used old airguns with sights i closed left eye and do now with scopes, although i dont class my self a good shot and the best i did at the old oxford clay club was 23/25 sporting but i then had an early single trigger O/U. i never went for comps and much prefere pigeon shooting. now having just got my semi auto i will have to learn over and will expect the RFD will be pleased to sell me more cartridges :lol:

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hello, i started shooting at 15 with a 410 S/S then on to S/S 12 guage then O/Us and learned to shooting keeping both eyes open from a book by Major J E M Ruffer the art of good shooting, if the gun was a good fit in the shoulder and looking along the barrel rib so you just see the bead as long as you kept the target in view and pulled through on lead it worked. but when i used old airguns with sights i closed left eye and do now with scopes, although i dont class my self a good shot and the best i did at the old oxford clay club was 23/25 sporting but i then had an early single trigger O/U. i never went for comps and much prefere pigeon shooting. now having just got my semi auto i will have to learn over and will expect the RFD will be pleased to sell me more cartridges :lol: the book is still worth buying for those contemplating rough/game shooting, in fact i might get an oldy copy just in case :rolleyes:

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I'm right handed but left eye dominant I also cant close my left eye wile keeping my right open I have tried lots of different things but now just use the only one that really works for me and that's a piece of card tucked under my hat that half covers my left eye it works for me

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Eye dominance is an important part of your shooting worth getting it checked but if you want an eye dot or spot try Simon at www.shotgun.me.uk he does REDEYE and will sort you out.

Roadkill.... will sort your eye dominance check for you on the pigeon intro day I normally squeeze eye dom and gunfit into the day so no prob if you want to.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I started shooting shotguns 5 years ago after shooting rifles for a couple of years,always shot rifles left handed because of left eye dominance and still do.on shotguns shooting pigeons I really struggled,tried shooting left handed and was even worse.somebody advised me squinting when I shouldered the gun but I loisdt my nperipheral vision and a lot of the time the pigeon.went on to the easy hit bead which I couldn't get on with.next was glasses with a spot of black tape on which improved my shooting a lot,my right eye was looking straight up the rib and I was seeing one barrel instead of 2.I was hitting a lot more pigeons than I ever could before.I then went and done some cvlays with a couple of friends last Xmas and was shooting ok with my magic glasses.we moved onto the high tower and I was hitting clays consistently then one of my mates told that my magic glasses were still on my hat.shot the rest of the session without them and was really happy with how I shot.I haven't used them since. I don't know whether my eyes have changed as apparently they can but I have realised that I now never try and focus on the rib or bead as I did when I started. I just look at the target with both eyes open.I am not the best pigeon shooter in the world but I now hit a lot more than I ever used to simply by relaxing and not concentrating on the bead.eye dominance is a difficult and frustrating thing to deal with there are ways to get round it and hopefully your shooting will get improve.

I do still shoot rifles left handed but it is not a problem.:-)

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I started shooting shotguns 5 years ago after shooting rifles for a couple of years,always shot rifles left handed because of left eye dominance and still do.on shotguns shooting pigeons I really struggled,tried shooting left handed and was even worse.somebody advised me squinting when I shouldered the gun but I loisdt my nperipheral vision and a lot of the time the pigeon.went on to the easy hit bead which I couldn't get on with.next was glasses with a spot of black tape on which improved my shooting a lot,my right eye was looking straight up the rib and I was seeing one barrel instead of 2.I was hitting a lot more pigeons than I ever could before.I then went and done some cvlays with a couple of friends last Xmas and was shooting ok with my magic glasses.we moved onto the high tower and I was hitting clays consistently then one of my mates told that my magic glasses were still on my hat.shot the rest of the session without them and was really happy with how I shot.I haven't used them since. I don't know whether my eyes have changed as apparently they can but I have realised that I now never try and focus on the rib or bead as I did when I started. I just look at the target with both eyes open.I am not the best pigeon shooter in the world but I now hit a lot more than I ever used to simply by relaxing and not concentrating on the bead.eye dominance is a difficult and frustrating thing to deal with there are ways to get round it and hopefully your shooting will get improve.

I do still shoot rifles left handed but it is not a problem.:-)


I'm no expert but it sounds like all the practice has helped you mount your gun correctly and that alone can bring your shooting on loads

Edited by dazb1967
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