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is it legal


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on saturday me and a mate were leaning on a fence on one of our perms looking across land we dont have a perm for seeing if there was a flight line we could exploit when i spotted a car about 3-400yds away down a cart track on the ajoining land which is unusual because the farmer dont let many people shoot there, i only know of 1 person and 2 from the contractor and they seldom go. i got the bins out and saw that it was an oldish car with the boot open and there was a man and a women by it, i though that maybe they were picnicing they were about a 100yds and round a z bend from the road down the track. all of a sudden the man appeared at the front of the car with a rifle, he took 3 quick shots it sounded like a .17 it had quite a crack to it.he then started to walk up the field with the woman for about 180 yds i think he had spotted us by now but took no notice, he bent down and picked up a cock pheasant gave it to the woman to carry who seemd to hold it out of sight,he still held the rifle, they walked back to the car got in and were gone in seconds and pulled onto the A14 .Me and my mate have lived here all our lives and we didnt reconise who it was. we felt they didnt have permission to be there should we have approached them or minded our own business as we did. is it legal to shoot game birds with firearms.

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Legal as long as he had permission to do so. Could be someone the farmer knows taking one or two for the pot on Sunday.


I would say mind your own business unless they are on your own permission as you don't know who they are, they could be there legit . Besides, they are armed and I personally wouldn't want to be the one to challenge and armed poacher/*****. Did the right thing.

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For your own safety - since firearms are involved - it would be better to just turn a blind eye, but if you know the landowner then it would probably be an idea to tell him what you witnessed. He might be aware of it, in which case there's no harm done, or it might alert him to keep an eye out and perhaps report the people to the police if they ever return.

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if you had binoculars you should try and get his reg number and either give it to the police or the farmer that's always a must get the number then the farmer will double like you one for shooting vermin and two for looking out for him and his property I go all over and see some funny things but get the reg number do not approach them if the people have guns

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Bet that it didn't make for good eating if it took him 3 shots to kill the bird, especially if it were a 17 HMR. Guessing that the first shot would have hit it and not killed it, hence the follow ups...

Or he was aiming at its head and the first two missed. :)

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I have heard stories of Eastern Europeans out shooting with guns they have brought quite innocently from their own country. They don't realise that things are different here and that they can't just go out shooting where they like, or that they need a licence. They go in my local gunshop from time to time trying to buy cartridges, thats where I heard about it

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I have heard stories of Eastern Europeans out shooting with guns they have brought quite innocently from their own country. They don't realise that things are different here and that they can't just go out shooting where they like, or that they need a licence. They go in my local gunshop from time to time trying to buy cartridges, thats where I heard about it

hmmm, meaning they probably have guns without licenses.


Could also have been...tinkers.

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