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We have moved forward technically more in the last 100 years than we did in the last 1,000 so i think you make a valid point. Also, technology develops in an exponential rather than a linear curve. Look at computer processing power.


Saying that, necessity is the mother of invention. The Americans were quite happy to encourage the UFO theory whilst testing the US, SR71 etc. Who knows what else they or anyone else has produced and is not telling us.....yet.

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Back around 2000 at the end of a shooting day about 4 >> 4.30 we (3 of us) were back at the farm yard sorting out the bag and we noticed in the distance what looked like a ball of fire in the sky ( No it wasn’t the sun). All I can say is that whatever we saw was like a round ball of fire like a ball of straw that might have been on the film of a siege engine or catapult with visible flames coming from the back. It was low in the sky and travelling at a constant speed and then it suddenly speed off. It was Unidentified. It was Flying and it was an Object. As the three of us saw it we were talking about it and no one had a logical answer to what we had seen. It was mentioned that it might have been a jet engine with flames coming out of it but we could actually see individual flames but there was no sound and none of us could see a plane and how did it suddenly and instantly speed off. We could hear other planes that were in the sky. The thing that we saw didn’t match in size or speed to the other planes in the sky, there was no sound or nav lights at all. It didn’t scale to the planes that we could see. There were no reports of planes on fire or any crashes. As above No idea then, no idea now.

Since that incident, I was coming home from work one night when I saw what must have been a bit of space junk coming back into the atmosphere. Bright light, bits coming off of it which were like a firework and several different bright flare ups of red blue and green. It then must have broken up because there was a shower like explosion of sparks and bits. Quite high up in the sky. Nothing like the previous object.

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I think that there are probably a huge number of things that happen in nature that we don't yet understand or have not witnessed in a consistent enough way that we can give reasonable explanation. I know that ball lightning is often given as an explanation for weird luminescence in the sky and things that look other worldly, but I've never seen it.


Our understanding of physics is such that it is bewildering to all but a very small number of really smart guys and because it is way beyond our ken that we think of it as being the extent of what is possible or credible. We have advanced so rapidly that within the lifetime of all of us, even the youngest on PW, we have seen things that were previously a work of pure fantasy that is now common place. Have we reached the limit of our understanding or are we just starting to break the surface?

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We have moved forward technically more in the last 100 years than we did in the last 1,000 so i think you make a valid point. Also, technology develops in an exponential rather than a linear curve. Look at computer processing power.


Saying that, necessity is the mother of invention. The Americans were quite happy to encourage the UFO theory whilst testing the US, SR71 etc. Who knows what else they or anyone else has produced and is not telling us.....yet.


This is exactly what I was thinking.


I'll look up dates to rest my mind but I think the SR71 was in air late 50's early 60's wasn't it? Even today that is a seriously advanced looking piece of kit. Imagine what they must have in the air today or what they might have on paper for the future.


I'd still like to believe in ufo's though I reckon they probably have a look and think, nah **** that, way too dangerous down there!

Edited by Muddy Funker
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I think that there are probably a huge number of things that happen in nature that we don't yet understand or have not witnessed in a consistent enough way that we can give reasonable explanation. I know that ball lightning is often given as an explanation for weird luminescence in the sky and things that look other worldly, but I've never seen it.


Our understanding of physics is such that it is bewildering to all but a very small number of really smart guys and because it is way beyond our ken that we think of it as being the extent of what is possible or credible. We have advanced so rapidly that within the lifetime of all of us, even the youngest on PW, we have seen things that were previously a work of pure fantasy that is now common place. Have we reached the limit of our understanding or are we just starting to break the surface?

Just breaking the surface, if that even. I'll never see it but wouldn't be at all surprised if in years to come folk say " remember when they said you couldn't travel faster than the speed of light :lol: "

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I think that there are probably a huge number of things that happen in nature that we don't yet understand or have not witnessed in a consistent enough way that we can give reasonable explanation. I know that ball lightning is often given as an explanation for weird luminescence in the sky and things that look other worldly, but I've never seen it.


Our understanding of physics is such that it is bewildering to all but a very small number of really smart guys and because it is way beyond our ken that we think of it as being the extent of what is possible or credible. We have advanced so rapidly that within the lifetime of all of us, even the youngest on PW, we have seen things that were previously a work of pure fantasy that is now common place. Have we reached the limit of our understanding or are we just starting to break the surface?

We're just paddling in the shallows of the ocean of knowledge at the moment. To mis-quote Rumsfeld, there are things we know we know, and things we know we don't know, but the things we do know can become unknown if we look at them long enough. The trouble with science, and particularly theoretical physics, is the more you discover (or more accurately, understand in a way that allows you to predict outcomes) the more questions are raised, so the universe becomes exponentially more complicated.


Statistically speaking it would be extraordinary if there was no other life in the universe, it would also be hard to believe that organisms on a number of planets haven't organised themselves, communicated and developed sophisticated engineering to harness energy, and to be considered by us as intelligent, BUT it is highly unlikely that we will ever randomly meet them any time soon or that they will drop in for a bit of anal probing. If we do ever have contact with extra terrestrial life it is likely to be through a very old and long range signal (probably radio waves or x-rays) and 'spoken' in a universal mathematical language.


Gong back to the OP, many people see UFOs but that doesn't imply that those UFOs are from another galaxy (with or without probes), it just means they haven't been explained in a probable way.

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Just breaking the surface, if that even. I'll never see it but wouldn't be at all surprised if in years to come folk say " remember when they said you couldn't travel faster than the speed of light :lol: "

It could well be, I rather fear that we will run out of food before we get that clever sadly :(


Hamster's points are valid though given our current level of knowledge we are going to have to learn how to do some really really really difficult sums in order to make the currently impossible possible.



We're just paddling in the shallows of the ocean of knowledge at the moment. To mis-quote Rumsfeld, there are things we know we know, and things we know we don't know, but the things we do know can become unknown if we look at them long enough. The trouble with science, and particularly theoretical physics, is the more you discover (or more accurately, understand in a way that allows you to predict outcomes) the more questions are raised, so the universe becomes exponentially more complicated.


Statistically speaking it would be extraordinary if there was no other life in the universe, it would also be hard to believe that organisms on a number of planets haven't organised themselves, communicated and developed sophisticated engineering to harness energy, and to be considered by us as intelligent, BUT it is highly unlikely that we will ever randomly meet them any time soon or that they will drop in for a bit of anal probing. If we do ever have contact with extra terrestrial life it is likely to be through a very old and long range signal (probably radio waves or x-rays) and 'spoken' in a universal mathematical language.


Gong back to the OP, many people see UFOs but that doesn't imply that those UFOs are from another galaxy (with or without probes), it just means they haven't been explained in a probable way.


Your post made me laugh :)


Do you really think that if extra terrestrial lifeforms have managed to learn how to do the really really really difficult sums in order to travel faster than the speed of light, of perhaps they don't actually physically travel because that is much too elementary, is that the thing that they will be most interested in doing is discovering what we have in our bottoms ???


I confess that I would be spectacularly disappointed if the great unanswered question of the most intelligent lifeforms in our limitless universe is to better understand that latter stages of the human waste disposal system.

Edited by grrclark
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They wouldn't need difficult sums particularly, they would need to come up with a full and universal theory that explains the properties, existence and interaction or stuff and energy in all frames of reference. If they (or indeed, we) came up with that we would know for sure how likely it is that anything could travel at or near the speed of light. Our best theories (special and general relativity) that have been tried and tested for decades will not allow anything to travel faster than light, but they are incomplete in the sense that they cannot explain what happens in the freaky quantum world. If aliens have nailed this theory then I recon the answer must be hidden inside the colon of drunk rednecks.

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They wouldn't need difficult sums particularly, they would need to come up with a full and universal theory that explains the properties, existence and interaction or stuff and energy in all frames of reference. If they (or indeed, we) came up with that we would know for sure how likely it is that anything could travel at or near the speed of light. Our best theories (special and general relativity) that have been tried and tested for decades will not allow anything to travel faster than light, but they are incomplete in the sense that they cannot explain what happens in the freaky quantum world. If aliens have nailed this theory then I recon the answer must be hidden inside the colon of drunk rednecks.

Volunteer search party ? I'm busy that day :yes:

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ok, ok,,, How about this :

Bringing the dog back one night Myself and a friend stood by the river facing west, about 1/2 mile away four Black shapes travelled northwards, all equal distance apart, No Sound, we could not hear anything..

The 5th one had Lights turned towards us, at about 500 ft, estimated range...

They came directly over us,, there were 5 of them, triangular in shape, about 100ft apart..

The First 4 gave NO SOUND whatsoever ???,, the forth was sort of giving pulses, No jet noise or engine I have ever heard, been to a fair few air shows:::

They strange thing about them was the last one with the pulse, was lit up like a Christmas tree, There Were lights all along the leading edges of the arrow shaped body, with lights in regular pattern across the whole frame...

it did make you feel uneasy to say the least the were heading north now..

The Small pulse at the one at the back soon faded after passing over us, THe ones at the front 4 had no lights whatsoever, were as Black as hell and made no sound at all.. Don`t ask I have not the faintest idea what they were, unless they are new aircraft of the future, but damn made us think, quite scary really.. But WHY Light up the last one, I don`t know..

Edited by subsonicnat
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Usual old moody spouted on here when anyone raises this subject.


If you read the numerous pilot and military sightings from all over the world of structured craft that perform in ways that none of 'our' craft can, you might consider that some of these things are some kind(s) of vehicles under non-human control. That is the conclusion that several serious studies have reached.

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Volunteer search party ? I'm busy that day :yes:

I was thinking a similar thing, having spent a bit of time in South Carolina, the home territory of the greater redneck, the secret to a full and universal theory can stay undiscovered by myself.


I ate in their restaurants and all I can say is that it makes the Scottish diet look healthy so if there is anything meaningful to be discovered then it has managed to flourish within the remnants of deep fried everything and bbq sauce so it's probably meritorious of it's universal importance.


As a semi serious aside in one restaurant the only thing that was not deep fried and battered was custard, every other thing was deep fried. it's not often a Scotsman is shocked by hardcore deep fry!

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Don`t ask I have not the faintest idea what they were, unless they are new aircraft of the future, but damn made us think, quite scary really.. But WHY Light up the last one, I don`t know..

A really mischievous alien sense of humour? The pilot jabbering to his mate in some alien tongue "look there is two earth men and a dog, let's really play with their heads........"

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If we do ever have contact with extra terrestrial life it is likely to be through a very old and long range signal (probably radio waves or x-rays) and 'spoken' in a universal mathematical language.



That's about the size of it. The universe is expanding and developing at different rates and at different time zones relative to our clocks. We know beyond reasonable doubt that any life forms are light years away, light years, there is no doubt there will be more intelligent beings out there somewhere but they may have developed and died off before our time and will do so when Earth has fizzled and died, Earths development and its life forms are but a tiny layer in the Galactic story so advances in technology beyond our wildest dreams aren't necessarily enough if we happen to occupy a slot in time zone when physical contact is impossible due to intelligent aliens not yet existing (in our time zone).


The only thing that can overcome the obstacle of distance is teleportation or to be more precise, mastering teleportation by thought, that IS faster than the speed of light and since the latter is also deemed impossible we might as well assume we're one day going to discover how to think ourselves elsewhere.

Edited by Hamster
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ok, ok,,, How about this :

Bringing the dog back one night Myself and a friend stood by the river facing west, about 1/2 mile away four Black shapes travelled northwards, all equal distance apart, No Sound, we could not hear anything..

The 5th one had Lights turned towards us, at about 500 ft, estimated range...

They came directly over us,, there were 5 of them, triangular in shape, about 100ft apart..

The First 4 gave NO SOUND whatsoever ???,, the forth was sort of giving pulses, No jet noise or engine I have ever heard, been to a fair few air shows:::

They strange thing about them was the last one with the pulse, was lit up like a Christmas tree, There Were lights all along the leading edges of the arrow shaped body, with lights in regular pattern across the whole frame...

it did make you feel uneasy to say the least the were heading north now..

The Small pulse at the one at the back soon faded after passing over us, THe ones at the front 4 had no lights whatsoever, were as Black as hell and made no sound at all.. Don`t ask I have not the faintest idea what they were, unless they are new aircraft of the future, but damn made us think, quite scary really.. But WHY Light up the last one, I don`t know..


The last one was the camera ship with Steven Spielberg on board! :rolleyes:

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That's about the size of it. The universe is expanding and developing at different rates and at different time zones relative to our clocks. We know beyond reasonable doubt that any life forms are light years away, light years, there is no doubt there will be more intelligent beings out there somewhere but they may have developed and died off before our time and will do so when Earth has fizzled and died, Earths development and its life forms are but a tiny layer in the Galactic story so advances in technology beyond our wildest dreams aren't necessarily enough if we happen to occupy a slot in time zone when physical contact is impossible due to intelligent aliens not yet existing (in our time zone).


The only thing that can overcome the obstacle of distance is teleportation or to be more precise, mastering teleportation by thought, that IS faster than the speed of light and since the latter is also deemed impossible we might as well assume we're one day going to discover how to think ourselves elsewhere.

As we currently understand time, what if time is just something else that can be used ? Then it would be simple to just go back and forth.

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Guest rimotu66


Yes while working offshore north wales witnessed by 19 other men as well .... Two Balls of light passing our work barge at deck level horizontally about 20 yards from our starboard side.

Wherever there is Engineering work these things seem to show up.


Well if that's the case it sure isn't to learn from us :whistling:

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Well if that's the case it sure isn't to learn from us :whistling:

Could have been an alien school history field trip. It would be lke us going back to watch Neanderthals :good: You can imagine the teacher "Look children, see how they have to lift heavy loads with their hands instead of just levitating them" :lol:

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That's about the size of it. The universe is expanding and developing at different rates and at different time zones relative to our clocks. We know beyond reasonable doubt that any life forms are light years away, light years, there is no doubt there will be more intelligent beings out there somewhere but they may have developed and died off before our time and will do so when Earth has fizzled and died, Earths development and its life forms are but a tiny layer in the Galactic story so advances in technology beyond our wildest dreams aren't necessarily enough if we happen to occupy a slot in time zone when physical contact is impossible due to intelligent aliens not yet existing (in our time zone).


The only thing that can overcome the obstacle of distance is teleportation or to be more precise, mastering teleportation by thought, that IS faster than the speed of light and since the latter is also deemed impossible we might as well assume we're one day going to discover how to think ourselves elsewhere.

Still thinking in 4 dimensional science!

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