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They were not a literate people, historians have surmised that they had an oral tradition, as had many other civilizations, but waves on invasion and the associated cultural and language changes over the 5000 years have obliterated any stories there may have been. If it wasn't for the Romans organisaton and literacy we wouldn't have much solid evidence about Britain until the Normans arrived - Boadicea would be unheard of. After the Romans left, writing was pretty much abandoned once again and only vague and fragmentary information has survived (King Arthur being the obvious one) which is why it's often referred to as the dark ages.

Yep, fully understand that, but it just seems too big a thing to disappear from history. It must have been a huge undertaking when built so you would think some legend / tale based around it would still be about.

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It happened to my wife a couple of times. I ignored what she told me until one very dark morning while walking the dog for a split second it happened to me. The only way I can explain it ..... For split second it was as if it were mid day and then just as quickly back to darkness. This has now happened twice. ... I have no explanation.

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Dangerous nonsense too. He comes down here with his long hair and sandals preaching love and peace, next thing you know you kids a smoking pot, getting 'on the bus' and dropping out. A nice short haircut and snappy uniform's what we want, and he could shave that silly beard into a nice smart moustache too. Hippy.


Yes, I ‘Imagine’ John Lennon has a lot to answer for! :whistling:

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