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HPR Trainers

Richard 1980

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Can anyone recommend any HPR trainers near Nuneaton, Warwickshire for my Hungarian Shorthaired Vizsla?


He's only 4 months old, so just considering trainers for now to start training in the coming months.


We are close to Leciestershire and Staffordshire and I don't mind travelling a bit if the trainer is the right person.



Edited by Richard 1980
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Wot are u training it for?


Proper HPR work? or just a normal gundog stuff?


Must admit most of the really good advice i got with my GWP came fro a excellent spaniel trainer. Been at a few training things with HPR trainers and not rated an awful lot of them compared to the more 'normal' gundog trainers. But have trained with a few good ones thou


My englis geog is rubbish 2 of the more famous trainers will be eiter Andy Cullen up NE now about Alnwick? i think or Rory Major in Liconshire both would be well worth travelling to for a wknd course.

Sure they're will be more near u. Possibly look for KC registered clubs near u and speak to the clubs sectary for contacts or some may do group training, but that may be more FT orientated which may not be wot u want if just wanting a gundog

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Greylag i'd say it depends on the individual trainer and wot ur wanting the dog to do,

If ur wanting it as a proper HPR (hunting hard at long distances etc) then possibly a hpr trainer would be better. if ur just wanting a more general gundog not so relevent, really the only difference will be the different temperments of the different hpr breeds which may alter how u train it.


If they are a really good trainer and can read the dogs i would not be bothered if had trained hpr's before. Probaby a trainer that has trained more than 1 breed/type of dog wil give u a more rounded apprach to training.

But hpr's can be very different to train but the same/similar techniques will still work althou sometimes need tweaked for the individual dog/breed.

The trainer that gave me the best advice is primary a spaniel man but has run terriers lurchers for years and occasoinally fox hounds. Knows his dogs


Mibee just my experience but found a lot of very poor hpr 'trainers' and some quite old fashioned techniques

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