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Pike fishing

Wonder Boy

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Hi WB,


I always use lures that either have a ball bearing inside them or a feather on the end of the spinner. The ball bearing provides vibrations, and therefore brings the pike out to see what it is he is missing out on.

The feather is useful because it acts as a tail. The pike will bite on the tail to try and bring the spinner towards its mouth. I find a red feather works well coz it is highly visible and it represents the roach (a common prey).


As for dead baiting, use something very smelly, such as rotting roach or mackrel. I have found liver works well because the juices spread out through the water, attracting the pike.


It may seem a bit of a muddle- my heads still bangin from last nite <_<<_<


Hope it helps tho



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WB, if you have never fished for pike before, it would be useful to have a trip or two, with someone who has.


Dead sea fish make the best baits, as they are quite oily.

Mackerel, herring, smelt, sardine and sprats are the main ones.

Also, you are not permitted to introduce freshwater fish (even dead), in some waters.


An experienced pike angler could show you how to rig up the bait, using two treble hooks connected to a wire trace, at least 20 inches long.


Its far too complicated to take you through all the things you need to know, on this Forum.

There are books and videos you can buy, but nothing beats being shown first hand.

Walk along the river and you may find someone pike fishing, who can give you some tips.


Whether you spin, or use dead baits, handling and unhooking pike takes some care.

Buy the longest handled surgical forceps, you can find.

Buy them at a Chemist shop and they will be a fraction of the price they are in a Fishing Tackle shop.


Best of luck.

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To catch pike you need some tough line, size 4 hooks, and something that looks annoying and tasty to a pike (sardines, varous lures, small dogs (yorky or of that variety) or next doors moggy will be quite adiquate.


Then it becomes a case of chuck and winde, or use a float set up..

simple yet deadly.


p.s the remark about dogs and next doors moggy was meant as a joke..what i really meant was the elderly will do just fine, and so with varies "select" groups i.e hunt sabs, league against cruel sports members.



(seriously though...happy fishing..and anyone who takes offence..lighten up) <_<

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I can help you there... The River Kennet, in my humble opinion the finest river in England if you are an Angler ........ You lucky sod!!


I have caught many pike from the Kennet and with out a doubt the best method for this time of year in the pools is the wobbled deadbait.


If you can catch a few 6ins roach or dace from the river or alternatively sardines or similar from the Fishmonger. Mount them with a pair of size 6 trebles on a wire trace linked to the main line (15lb minimum if you are a novice) with a ballbearing swivel.


Cast out and search out the pools methodically with a slow retrieve alternating with jerks & pulls to give the bait some movement as if it is mortally wounded, let it sink & draw it back again etc.. etc.. you,ll soon get the hang of it.


Hang on tight cos those big Kennet pike hit Like Mike Tyson and fight like a drunken tart on Saturday night!!


I am sure your local tackle shop will only be too pleased to help you out..


If you need some personal tuition get in touch the Kennet is not too far for me and I have all the Kit..


Best of Luck.. FM

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All of the above are spot on Wonderboy


You can always fly fish for pike but that takes some specialist knowledge and gear.


Me - for river fishing I spin using small floating rapala plugs in sizes between 2 inches and 6inches in length - these wobble and "swim" which gives them an advantage over dead baits (although they don't smell like a dead fish). Pike will also take a mepps aglia spinner or a small toby lure quite happily as well.


Harris Angling (do a web search) - is THE shop for predator fishing with artificial baits and they have a forums section which will prove invaluable.


Remember the main thing about pike is that they are an AMBUSH predator - so you'll want to jerk and erratically reel your lure past reed beds, standing weed, obstacles and features etc in which the pike will lie waiting.


One tip to aiding the release of pike is to debarb your trebles or squash the barbs down a bit - you won't really lose hooking ability but you will save a few fish.

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One tip to aiding the release of pike is to debarb your trebles or squash the barbs down a bit - you won't really lose hooking ability but you will save a few fish.

Well said Jono, sound advice. I failed to mention I now use barbless or semi barbed hooks for all my fishing and I havent noticed that i have lost any more fish because of it.



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Wonder Boy. There is good advice given here. LIve bait is the best, Roach are great if you can catch a few. Try not to use a landing net if possible with them trebels. Get them into shallow water an stick your finger in under ther jaw and lift them mind the hooks and there teeth, use a rubber glove for the first few times. Practice makes perfict. You might have to use a landing net though so take it with you. if you can get on the weir you can trot the float down stream covering more area and then you will need the landing net. Take some long forceps with you for unhooking, and play em out before your land em as the water temp is warm for this time of year. Be there as i gets light and if you can stick it also as the light fades. good luck.

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