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Quickest way of despatch...... Pigeon


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Wish every Pigeon I shot just dropped from the sky stone dead, but things don't always happen like that. Any that fall into my pattern and start walking I shoot again, but what about the ones that drop close to your hide and to near to shoot again. Have taken quite a few people shooting and they all seem to have a preferred method of despatching live birds, some good and some not so good. Just looking for your views and opinions on the above... :good::good:


I've never seen anyone who doesn't have 'runners' at some point whilst decoying, it's the nature of the game unfortunately. I usually take a second shot if the bird is running, if not then I give the birds head a sharp tap on my barrels (which can at times be messy BTW).

A priest comes in handy. ( A heavy ish stick, known as a priest coz it issues the last rights ).

In my line of work, I can be shooting pigeons in a supermarket or a warehouse or even a factory shop floor and with the business owners always present I don't take chances and always give'm a bang on the head, the pigeons that is :lol:


I can remember years ago, just as I was getting in to pigeon decoying..........


My shooting partner and I had turned up at a farm to enquire about doing a little decoying over the stubble. Not really equipped to do any shooting, but we did have the guns in the back of the car. The landowner said 'no problem boys, you have a good day and let me know how you get on!'. This kind of took us back as we were not dressed to shoot, we had no hide, no decoys, just our guns. Not people to let an opportunity pass we took cover behind some bales. We soon realised there were a few other chaps in the next field, so we positioned ourselves over a flight line and made unwelcome use of their decoys.


After a few hours these chaps came over to our position, we ended up having a friend chat (as you do). Two very embarrassing things happened, first I was wearing a day-glow green top, the advice made by one of the chaps was "Lose the top and try something a little more natural" (yer, no **** mate). The second was just as we were all leaving, my mate shot a passing pigeon. The bird hit the deck but wasn't dead. I quickly dispatched the bird by accidentally pulling it's head off, much to the concerns of the 'other' chaps who as it turned out were related to the landowner........



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