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Is this normal?


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Hi all

I sent my FAC with a covering letter and cheque with appropriate funds off to the police at the start of January. I've applied for a variation for a 243 and to sort out a moderator mix up on another gun. I've heard nothing since sending it off and have been checking the cheque hasn't been cashed, and it hasn't.

Just received in the post my licence back, with covering letter, cheque and a little note from them telling me to fill out a variation application form, of which they have attached. My covering letter had been stamped with their firearms stamp dated 15th of Jan. That's nearly two weeks ago? So it's been sat there since then..

Now is this normal? They never did that with my 222, they accepted the variation and had my updated licence back in the post within a fortnight.

Surely they could have called me asking me to send it in? Would have saved so much time! Why is this variation form important when it's all explained in the covering letter? Is this just more paperwork to tick certain boxes?

What are your thoughts on this?



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All applications must be made using the official forms. Article 10.7 of the Home Office notes.


End of story.


EDIT : Actually, 10.7 applies to applications and renewals. 10.59 refers to the form 202 for variations.

Edited by robbiep
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All applications must be made using the official forms. Article 10.7 of the Home Office notes.


End of story.


EDIT : Actually, 10.7 applies to applications and renewals. 10.59 refers to the form 202 for variations.

No they don't. In your area maybe but not everywhere is the same. Under Durham I have sent in covering letters explaining what I require and have been granted it just like the op did.

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