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Crathes beaters day


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This is a short video of me shooting at a beaters day in Aberdeenshire.

It was a brilliant day with a strong wind making the birds fly really strongly. Unfortunately due to a couple of batteries going flat and it being very bright it was a struggle doing the day justice.

drive 1- This was a duck ambush involving all 15 of us approaching a ditch in a line. As you will see I really picked the sweet spot and managed a nice left and right!

Drive 2 - my battery died just as the action started however I shot poorly and only managed to shoot a single bird which was runner.

Drive 3 - I was an end gun and the partridges flew so quickly you can hardly pick them out with the camera! Really seemed to struggle to give them enough lead and in hindsight the fact I kept swapping guns wouldn't have helped.

Drive 4- this was me walking through a gamecrop. Again the sun made it difficult.

Drive5- these birds were mental! So quick that they beat a pretty decent team of guns! I only managed one and despite shooting it well out in front it landed well behind!

After this drive we had 3 more and typically I run out of battery when I had finally got my eye in! Managed a few screamers at pheasants and shot my bird of the season at a pigeon which was well up!

Hopefully will get some more videos up next season!

Edited by Nmb
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Ha, your little dog is keen, he is there almost before they have hit the floor. Love it. Just like mine

Haha yeah beating dog on her first ever driven shoot, made even the quiet drives interesting as she kept going round in circles trying to hunt the stubble or grass. Would usually use my lab but she was in season.
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