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Hi guys a little help with strategy


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Hi guys at the moment I'm wearing thin on my permission as two farms have just be sold to housing so as gutted as I am I need to regroup and do the dreaded door knocking! What ways do people find best how woukd you approach the farms? I am a diesel fitter so I have something to offer in return what can my attack plan be? any advice would be great! Thanks

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I get most of my permissions by word of mouth, one farmer telling another I have done a good job. Cold calling on other farms for permissions is not easy but a couple of things make it easier (based on rabbit shooting):


  • Prospect the target farm by having a look to see what damage is being done and where the rabbits are, usually with a lamp after dark (sensibly, of course) gives the best idea.
  • Be specific - using the information gained from the first point you can say to the farmer 'You've got a lot of rabbits in so and so location, can I clear a few of them for you?' This targeted approach is better than just asking if you can shoot on the land.
  • Name drop when you get a chance - 'I used to do a lot for John Smith but he's moved on' helps as farmers all know each other. Do some research first - does he play skittles? Go racing? Have anyone else shooting? All this helps.
  • Know a little about farming topics - milk prices, crop prices, cattle types and so on so that IF a conversation happens you can at least fill the awkward moments when you have nothing to say. Most farmers I know are a bit quiet and tend to not be leading the conversations.

If you get a 'bite' don't lose it as quickly as you got it! ALWAYS offer (I insist) on having a map or something showing boundaries. If you can get a drive around with the farmer it will break the ice. ALWAYS offer (again, I insist) to call to let them know when you are shooting. And (this is an issue around some of the land I shoot) always ask if any land is rented, as some rented land has others shooting it under permission from the owner... this can get messy, and dangerous...



Good luck!

Edited by minghis
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