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Banger Alley

pigeon controller

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We had a call on Thursday, Four hundred pigeons on my rape, now this farmer is prone to exaggerate. when we arrivered on Friday morning it was true , they were all sitting in his wood next to the rape and playing follow the leader , one drops in they all follow. We found some fresh feathers on the grass field but we had been assured it had not been shot ???. We watched it for thirty minutes to determine the best location for the hide , in that time we realised why the birds were all here, all the local farms had started to use the bangers on the rape and it was like a war zone at some points of the day. It was good for us that the birds who left the field were soon spooked back. We were set up by 11.00 with ten on cradles and two on the magnet. You could tell it had been shot due to the way that the birds were inclined not to decoy , we changed the set up a number of times but they were still spooky . It all finished at 16.30 and we collected up and had shot ninetynine.


During the previous days shooting we had seen some large flocks of birds in the distance who were being spooked by the gas guns but returning soon after so we tried to find the field that they wanted. It took us a good hour to find the precise field as it was in an old established country estate and very secure. We phoned the farmer who we had shot on the day before to ask if he knew who the farmer was for this three fields of rape and he said carry on he would sort the farmer out just get rid of the pigeons. So we set up as the day before ten fresh birds on cradles and two on the magnet. The first birds in came the wrong way to wind from our backs and just appeared in the pattern. As the day progressed we had twenty on cradles, fifty on spikes, four angels and two on the magnet , this had the effect of decoying every bird that flew over the field in the very strong east wind. Due to the fact we were in the centre of the estate with many mature conifers it was a good roost area and birds kept coming to the decoys on the way to roost so we shot till 16.45. it took us a time to pick up all the birds around the field but the total for the day was two hundred and eighteen , we told both farmers how the day had progressed and they were over the moon . Of the four hundred we had seen three hundred and seventeen were now in our bags so an excellent weekends shooting.









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In 1990 i too sat all day to shoot 2 pigeons! now in 2016 i sit all day and shoot 3 pigeons!!!

At the current rate i dont think i will ever get to 50 in my life time!

Only joking , did find a few this weekend just gone but nothing close to these numbers.

well done guys, if you ever clear all the pigeons your way and fancy a trip down south i can always find a field or two in return for a bit of expert guidance!!


It really is a great boost to see such numbers shot over rape , makes one realise it is possible sometimes.

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You really are getting good at this photoshop lark PC, maybe you can teach me.

Only joking, another 2 great bags using bangers to your advantage.

BB, it takes me a good hour to cut and paste all the individual birds on to the picture, then I have to take the wrinkles out of my face ???


Joking apart it proves that first find your pigeon then find a method of shooting the maximum. The bangers defiantly helped a lot and the amount of decoys was the final draw.

Edited by pigeon controller
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