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The Sniper,


The only land owners here that are happy to have people shooting are the golf courses, I have permission on three of the local courses.


Unfortunatly I can only going lamping on them due to the golfers turning up at first light, and I am also not allowed to use the shotgun on them. But it is perfect for shooting a few bunnies with a rimmy.


Good to see you were listening :D



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If you can afford the SAKO, buy it! I have owned one for a few years and it is everything that everyone claims. Buy a 10 shot mag and the SAKO moderator, its a similar price to other aftermarket offerings, but designed for the job.


Having bought your perfect rifle, dont compromise on the optics, spend as much as you can afford. My scope is a Leupold vari III, adjustable this and illuminated that etc, its a dogs dangglies scope, but not strictly necessary for plinkig rabbits, but there is no point in marrying a most excellent rifle to a bargain basement scope.


A bipod will be anothe useful addition, possibly at a later date, mine is a Harris, but I believe that another contributor has commented very favourably about an alternative make.



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So people i am now a proud owner of a sako finfire varminter, i bought a sak silencer but is ******* fat, so have gone back to a parker hale..goes with the sleak lines of the gun and is the same as my grandad had on his greener and my dad on his BSA...both martini action.

Have put a bushnell trophie 3 - 9 x 40 scope, sacked off lectures yeaturday to have a play...i use winchester super x and is a beast :D:lol:

The only complaint is the wood is a bit pants..though the gun cost £450...i thought they were near a grand?


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Never seen or heard about hot lips mags before. More details please!



Like Jonno say's HotLips are from Butler Creek.

The hot lips bit refers to the red plastic at the business end of the mag. I think the Steel Lips might be a better bet, as you might guess the business end is steel! Obviously there is a premium for the steel.

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