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Nice one!


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Feeling better I stalked some woodland this afternoon.

Keeping the dog close I settled down on a bank side under a fallen oak bough.

I poored a drink and settled down to wait and do some calling a bit later.

I also tied Jess up as she likes chasing fox!


I was a little concerned about a blind spot just below me so stood up to take a look.

I could not believe my eyes! A fox was approaching less than 20yds away from that blasted blind spot! I had only just got there myself!

Before I could get the rifle on it it was off and ran down below me and up the other side of the gully.

I tracked it in the scope and it stopped to look back.

I threaded shot one through the sticks and connected.

Shot two connected.

Shot three was sent because it twitched but hit a twig.

Shot four connected but it was over anyway. About 80yds.




In the next photo you can see her right paw is deformed from injury.

A vixen with no milk and past her prime.




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Well done U she do look an old girl but can still do a lot of damage

Sure, she looked like she was on a mission alright and did run away at speed.

It was in the same area that Jess run one we called in a couple or three weeks ago, hopefully the same one.


When I was getting in position a lone pheasant 'cocked up' in the direction she came from but I thought I may of moved it or blown it in other words. As it happens she was coming my way!.

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