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Doctors strike


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""" The idea of a NHS was devised by William Beveridge in 1942. Beveridge was a Liberal. """ = Myth


The actual idea was from New Zealand pre WW ll


I'm sure Beveridge would have taken into account the NZ model, and others around the world. That would be the way to form ideas.


However the NZ model was never fully implemented at they had a dual system of public and privatised healthcare. Once again it was the doctors who were the stumbling block.


In no way is it a myth that Beveridge was the real founder of the UK NHS, which is, after all what this thread is about.

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Ah, ideas?

I should pay more attention to history but really more interested in the future.


Hunt has an idea, the Doctors have another? I'm with them!


There will be lots of bleating after it's all gone along with the Doctors if they have any sense?

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Not the Tories proudest moment to push doctors of all people into such a determined action . Think they have lost the plot as 65% of the public support them . Us nurses accepted a virtual 10 year pay freeze to our shame . Hope you treat the foreign nurses who replace home grown ones a bit better . They will be getting little more than you get for doing the checkout at Lidl . You voted for it ,enjoy .

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