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Essex masters


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Not this year I'm shooting Hodnet in the English Open on the Friday a couple of weeks earlier and on the day of the charity shoot I'm booked to attend a Referee course.


Bit of bad timing as I've shot the last two and three years ago travelled down and then got call to fly out to Tunisia the following day for work so had to turn round and go home.


You'll enjoy it if you go, great day and the people I've met were very friendly. Now when I attend a big comp I look out for any Pigeon Watch members I know.


Would like to meet a few more I've had banter with on here.


I take it you saw the photos of our Sqaud, there was a good photo in a different set, I'll send you it via pm.

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presume eng Open is a CPSA event..? I am a tech dinosaur and only stuff I can see online is via facebook which I don't do..was also hoping to see all the scores somewhere but cannot find these anywhere either,not that I have won anything just interested to see. i saw George Digweeds 191 held on..that is quite a score around those courses.....

I replied to your pm,any photo with us 2 in must have had one helluva wide angled camera!!! atb at Eng open.

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I think it was taken at distance :lol:


The scores that were put on Facebook were not fully up to date. Didn't see any of our Sqaud on the boards in the photos.


Without a electronic version it would take an age to work out the order of where you came.

Edited by figgy
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Yes, agreed, a leap forward in the presentation of all scores is required, I'm not sure why they don't use the CPSA software programme that they use for all other shoots at the ground, perhaps there is an issue over the licencing as it's not a Registered shoot, but I'm pretty sure I have seen it used by other grounds for non-reg events..?


This is how they do it in even small club shoots in France, via several widescreen TV's around the Clubhouse, it ain't rocket science..!



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I also reckon they ought to make it Credit / Debit card entries, online only, that way you get rid of the large number of people who book in by phone and simply don't turn up, thereby messing up the squadding arrangements, also a squad time online booking system as the CPSA use for all of their championship events.




I think I know that bloke at the top of the leaderboard, never seen him there before.

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What time are you shooting at Hodnet on the Friday Figgy?

I am doing there and back in the 1 day so 12 hours driving or so :o/

Think our start time is 2:30ish.

12.20 ish, looking forward to this one never shot at Hodnet before. It's around 8 hours with a short stop no traffic round trip for us. Six hours driving is a lot to them try and concentrate for a shoot knowing you have the same journey back. We have in the past booked rooms drive down and not checked in till half ten st night, few quick drinks a curry and bed, found it suits us better for the long ones.

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12.20 ish, looking forward to this one never shot at Hodnet before. It's around 8 hours with a short stop no traffic round trip for us. Six hours driving is a lot to them try and concentrate for a shoot knowing you have the same journey back. We have in the past booked rooms drive down and not checked in till half ten st night, few quick drinks a curry and bed, found it suits us better for the long ones.

Staying over this time just wasn't an option sadly, too many other things on the go.


I do accept that the big drive is likely to blunt my shooting, but in fairness going more for the experience and not really too worried about being at my competitive best.


Really looking forward to shooting at Hodnet too, heard plenty good things.

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I'm the same this year be good to card a good score but putting my back out over a year ago has put any chance of consistency out the window. So this year I'm just enjoying the targets and experience, I still manage to shoot some good targets and can clean some stands but then will have a howler on others. Been told about Hodnet Cat so will be enjoying my day :good:


Catamong how did your Essex Masters go this year? With you saying it's always a marmite shoot for you.

Edited by figgy
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I'm the same this year be good to card a good score but putting my back out over a year ago has put any chance of consistency out the window. So this year I'm just enjoying the targets and experience, I still manage to shoot some good targets and can clean some stands but then will have a howler on others. Been told about Hodnet Cat so will be enjoying my day :good:


Catamong how did your Essex Masters go this year? With you saying it's always a marmite shoot for you.


Yes, another "Marmite" event, 81 on black, followed by 81 on red, at least I was consistent.. :oops:



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