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lightweight waterproof boots


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As with anything you get what you pay for. Years ago I bought a so called waterproof lightweight boot endorsed by a well known Angler, Matt Hayes. Cost about 40 quid. Totally useless and definitely not waterproof. For boots, it's worth shelling out for a pair that do the job and last for years. For me, it is Meindl

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I recently bought a pair of Grisport "Oak" boots.


I`ve worn them every day since, often in very wet conditions.


So far, so good.


They are very light compared with say, a pair of heavy duty Gamekeeper Altbergs and cost £135 from an online supplier.

Edited by mudpatten
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Had some canvas waterproof boots from Lacoste. They were the lightest most comfortable boots I've ever owned, now sadly discontinued for some reason.

Saying that, as Ozzy has stated above good boots are worth paying for.

For knocking about in I have a pair of Goretex British Army issue boots; bought off a PW member secondhand, but for shooting I have Le Chameau and just recently bought a pair of Meindl as they were cheaper than I'd found elsewhere, while I had the money, and they are only going to go up in price. They are tucked away and I wont wear them until the others are worn out.

Have a scout through ex-MOD stocks online if you don't want to pay top whack.

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Another one for meindl here, I have metalwork in my feet and they still manage to be comfy, and they have a lifetime guarantee on the waterproofing, (not put that to the test, presumably they mean the life of the boot, can't imagine them replacing them for free if you've worn through the sole, but the fact they give a guarantee shows they stand by their quality at least)

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Always was a fan of Aku boots but have recently switched to Saloman boots and they are brilliant. Definitely get my vote.

Though to be fair, in my experience most boots are only properly waterproof if you look after them right.

For most outdoors stuff and even walking about I use my V12 safety/work boots. seriously comfy and with regular dubbin are completely watertight :) only 55 quid too!

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