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Selling shot animals


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Hello all. I'm about to begin selling my shot rabbits and very soon deer to my local game dealer (or anyone who'll buy them really).

As far as I am aware, I need to get the trained hunter tick in the box, and set up as a food business before I can do this.

I have my trained hunter number, how do I go about registering as a food business? Is it another one of those long drawn out affairs that takes weeks and weeks and weeks?


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I don't know about deer but as far as I'm aware you don't have to be a 'trained hunter' or a food business to sell excess game. I sell small numbers of rabbits to butchers without either and I'm not aware of any law that says I should get them.

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I don't know about deer but as far as I'm aware you don't have to be a 'trained hunter' or a food business to sell excess game. I sell small numbers of rabbits to butchers without either and I'm not aware of any law that says I should get them.

Brilliant, that's what I want to hear!

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As far as I can tell, a game dealer counts as a wholesaler as they supply restaurants. This necessitates me registering as a food business.😒

Am I correct? Also I can't seem to figure out how to register, the council websites are clear as mud and the people on the phone don't seem to want to tell me anything.

Any advice on this process now?

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