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I made loads of bogies out of old pram wheels, Great fun. Once fell of a rope swing in some woods and rode home with a broken arm. Always had the obligatory air gun fight whilst camping overnight in the local woods. Once got my **** smacked by a night watchman in a building site and after a Hospital visit ended up in court after my Old man went to the Police. Prodded a dog that much it bit me (Cock) another trip to A&E.. We used to ride down the side of a local car park on pinched bread boards until the Police stopped us.

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There were many who were a lot dafter than me, and suffered the injuries to prove it.

We made some Kung Fu stars in metal work at school but the craze was short lived after someone was caned by the headmaster when one narrowly missed the rural studies teacher who just happened to open the caretakers shed door as one stuck in. They had no idea he was inside and he had come out to see what the noise was.

I only got caned twice; the second time for throwing a javelin at someone! :) It's not as bad as it seems, honestly.....there was a group of us on the sports field and we were using a shirt for a target. When the owner of the shirt realised the shirt was his and went to retrieve it, we all lobbed our javelins at him, but had given him the heads first and he was well out of range. He was laughing as much as us. Anyhow, we got caned for it.

Did any of you do that knock yourself out thingy? I wont explain how it's done cos I may get into trouble, but the police were called when that was all the rage in the playground. :)

The almost drowning in pig poop was no brave thing on my part as I was pushed. Mates dad had a pig farm and the slurry pit was almost so hard you could walk on it. We were playing dare as we often did ( there was no shame in chickening out, it was just a laugh ) and I was about to step onto the crust when mate pushed me. I went right under and couldn't swim ( we were primary school age ) and can't recall how I got out but I went home in mates clothes and he got a severe flogging off his mam. Happy days. We were just discussing it at a relatives funeral a month or so ago.


A mate of mines uncle had a farm and we had free run of the place, he just piled all the dung up in a heap. It was our dare to try and get to the top of the crusted up pile( we had been helping him collect the hay bales that day) any way we all had a go but one of us an old mate called warren made it to the top , he threw his hands up in the air in jubilation and at that moment the crust gave way, there was only his head showing above the pile of ****, we were crying with laughter as he was crying for his mum lol lol, any way George the farmer( chicken George we used to call him lol) turned up as dug him out with his tractor. He gave us a right rollicking , if it would have been 6" deeper he would have proberbly been dead!!!!!!!!!!! The same lad got caught scrumping apples from the allotments and got dunked in a rainwater barrel head first off the allotment owner,


He didn't play out with us lot much after that lol lol





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There is so much stupidity here that we used to do I just copied and pasted the relevant bits.


We also had an old Austin of some description which we would race around the farm and do our best to overturn. We only managed it once and that was enough; it hurt too much and a mate broke his arm so we didn't do it again.


We had an old morris minor that we rammed into a sand pit at about 5 miles an hour with no seat belts ( Didn’t exist in those days) It could have been 40 or 50 and we would have probably killed ourselves 5 dead stop was enough.


Making gunpowder before the garden and pet supply shops got wise to us. Doing all manner of stupid things with fireworks. Hitting Hilti caps found on building sites with bricks.


I caught the kitchen alight with flares out of rockets and had a big fire with weedkiller and sugar. Mum was more ratty about the sugar we took from the larder


Shooting at each other.

holding fluorescent tubes and bottles with air rifles at distance and thinking it was fun.
The fluorescent tubes used to break down until you had got about a foot of it left in your hand. We wore no goggles or anything.


Hanging on the back of buses and grabbing on bits of rope off of the back of lorries getting towed along on our bikes.

We used to have flights with fireworks, length of copper tube blocked at one end then chuck a lit smaller size rocket down the pipe and hold like a bazooka.


Did this and burnt my eyebrows and face with the rocket blast.


Likewise nearly all of the above + hammers nails n grandpas 12g cartridges, one really stupid one a 7.62 nato blank, very glad it only caught my fingers as it left the vice heading up into the sky.


Did this with a 303 in the bumper iron of an old car on a dump. The whole thing disappeared and all we found was the case base minus primer no injuries but our ears rang for a fair bit


How we ever made it to adulthood is beyond me

Just waiting for someone to cut and paste the script from Monty Python's Four Yorkshire men.

Yep it is a bit like that.

Edited by fortune
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As a young lad of about 14 i got involved with a School fight club. It would take place behind the Sports hall, some Lads would settle there differences there and some would Fight just for the hell of it. It was very addictive and i went home with many a bruise.


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Yes did the knock yourself out bit, slid sideways along a wall only stop my fall with my face on the edge of a radiator. Tried again on my bed top bunk thought that would be safer :no: fell off the bloody bed landing on me coxic that hurt for weeks. Never done it again after that.


Scully you must have been a child of the seventies as we got upto the same things in different parts of the country.


Another game we played was called split the kipper, standing maybe five to ten yards apart depending how rave you felt. With your feet together you would take turns throwing a knife to the side of your mates foot if it stuck blade first he would move his foot to the blade and pull it out, then he would take a turn throwing untill you were both doing the splits and one fell over losing. Can still see some scars when I get a suntan on my feet.

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Another game we played was called split the kipper, standing maybe five to ten yards apart depending how rave you felt. With your feet together you would take turns throwing a knife to the side of your mates foot if it stuck blade first he would move his foot to the blade and pull it out, then he would take a turn throwing untill you were both doing the splits and one fell over losing. Can still see some scars when I get a suntan on my feet.


Haha we played that, but we called it stretch. I still have a scar on my ankle from it. :oops:


I can`t say I was quite as mad as Scully but we definitely did some daft stuff. Playing on a building site we jumped off some second story scaffolding into a pile of sand, a miracle nobody broke a leg really. Building mad ramps to jump off on our BMX bikes in an old abandoned warehouse. Nearly hanging myself whilst hedgehopping when I jumped off something and my neck connected with an unseen washing line. Flying down steep roads on homemade go-karts. Climbing all over the school roof to collect lost tennis balls.Loads of (relatively) harmless fun.


Yes, born in 1959. We played split the kipper too. :)


You`ll be pleased to know your fine tradition carried on at least into the eighties, albeit under a different name.

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collecting firewood, the mill down the road was being demolished, we took all the floor joists at first floor, and every other one at 2nd 3rd and 4th floors, using the joist we just cut to stand on while sawing.

we would have had the roof timbers but they flattened it, (or it fell down?) before we managed.

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Haha we played that, but we called it stretch. I still have a scar on my ankle from it. :oops:


I can`t say I was quite as mad as Scully but we definitely did some daft stuff. Playing on a building site we jumped off some second story scaffolding into a pile of sand, a miracle nobody broke a leg really. Building mad ramps to jump off on our BMX bikes in an old abandoned warehouse. Nearly hanging myself whilst hedgehopping when I jumped off something and my neck connected with an unseen washing line. Flying down steep roads on homemade go-karts. Climbing all over the school roof to collect lost tennis balls.Loads of (relatively) harmless fun.



You`ll be pleased to know your fine tradition carried on at least into the eighties, albeit under a different name.

Pinched many of my mams kitchen knives for split the kipper in the early 80s, we also used to pinch big black barrels 2000 ltr ones from the pop/mineral works and roll down hills in them , they also doubled up as a good boat for on the canal lol lol


Good/dangerous fun cost us nowt as a kid, your imagination a box of bryant and may or swan matches, a knife , a bit of rope and your air gun and away you went lol





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bang on scully but u forgot to mention,goin nickin turnips an peas from local fields and spuds to roast on our camp fires all sat round with red eyes an black faces from the smoke,,,what fun we had just growin up.

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Hacking steps in a near vertical clay cliff to rob jackdaws nests from rabbit burrows, 'Borrowing' an old scrap hammer gun from the farm tool shed and shooting at a pheasant with it, fortunately had the sense to clean the right hand barrel first. Various experiments with things supposed to go bang, such as carbide in lemonade bottles but the best was a railway detonator fired of by a half brick really saw stars with that one. Otherwise lucky not to have met a watery grave when in pursuit of trout in the local burn.



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The same here the knife game we called doing the splits ,but we all so had battles with bows catapults homemade spears ,then found some old air rifles that livened things up.then a new boy came to village he wanted to join in the fun and games, one day he came to the dell with his uncles samara sword ,it is amricale that no one was killed ,or lost fingers or an arm as we fort him with our hazel stick swords . Then moved on to old motorbikes striped down to ride in the dell and woods ,they woud be worth a lot money now,old bsa,s ajs norton aerai matchless triumphs and avillers 3t ,then we found them girls ha,ha married one of them just hade our 44th wedding anniversary .goud go on what we got up to but I think you got the gist of it

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We made do with old grandad bikes to start with stripped off the White plastic and ripped the baffles out of the exhausts,had many hours of fun riding them on a milk bottle full of petrol we bought.


Any of you go garden creeping,trying to get from one end of a avenue to the other by going over all the back gardens in the dark.


Returning empty pop bottles for 10p and if you found a soda syphon 50p good times as a box of three torch matches was 3p leaving money for 1/2p sweets.


After reading this thread was telling my son what we used to get upto, I was laughing my head off remembering some of the more funny things. Like going out camping on manoeuvres in the TA Cadets and finding a disused railway tunnel in a huge bank to pitch tents in never going to get wet, we built a big fire and all brought tins of beans soups etc to eat,lad sharing my tent brought a family size tin of mushy peas I kid you not love them he said. I thought no chance matey your not eating them and kipping in my tent stinking it out. So as everyone was placing their various opened tins around the fire to heat up,When no one was looking I flung the big tin of mushy peas in the fire and went for more firewood with another as it was our turn,we had been gone a while and just as I was coming down the bank to the tunnel and boom a bloody Big Bang followed my much screaming and shouting. As I entered the tunnel people were flinging themselves all over and swatting at themselves like a swarm of bees was attacking them,embers from the fire were strewn all over. I looked up and saw bits of mushy peas stuck to the tunnel roof and all over the place,the penny dropped what all the screaming and swatting was about,they were all covered in scalding hot mushy peas when the tin went bang. I nearly peed myself laughing right up to the point they jumped on me giving me a right good kicking as they had all been sat round the fire eating or tending to their food.Next morning and all the faces looked like there had been an outbreak of measles during the night. It took me ages to retell this tale to my son as I couldn't stop laughing.

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When we used to go out on Cadet days whilst at school, we all had .303 Lee Enfields with blanks in them. We soon found out if you out a pencil down the barrel, it made cows run rather fast, and if you fired them directly into a cow pat whilst standing next to someone their uniforms went from green to brown!

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lots of similarity to scully and figgy posts and had a good chuckle reading them, was the same for us in the eighties, it was like the wild west. here are some of the craziest things we used to get up to, obviously older and wiser now.


1) we were a right motley crew, i had my first motorbike when i was nine, it was a honda c90 and got that many punctures on the dirt on it ended up riding it on rims for a few months until it died, terribly noisy and slippy on the tarmac but once on the dirt gripped surprisingly well


2) we used to go down to the canal and local tip at the back we would be armed with diana sp 50's, meteors, webley tempest, and all manner of air rifles. great fun.


3) one of my mates got hold of about 50 cans of i think it was calcium carbide, we put it in an old water filled 50 gallon drum, did not half bubble and when ignited was spectacular but very, very scary.


4) in the winter we would pour water outside the house and make frozen slide, remember being knocked out on one and my dad just put me to bed. we once tied a plastic toilet seat to a car in the ice and got pulled along at great speed until one unfortunate came off and off to casualty.


5) took me mated dads allegro, 4 of us in it and drove and lost control on one of the lanes straight through hedge and bogged down in the field, had to get farmer out who was none to happy.


6) used to go swimming in all the local pits, canal, jumping off bridges, my party peice used to be doing a back summersalt from a bridge down about 20 foot into the canal.


7) was always climbing something, we used to jump a ditch on our motorbikes very scary, loads of us became croppers.


8) firing rockets out of drainpipes, making genies all great fun.


9) i was always shimming up lamposts the higher the better.


10) we had a game someone came up with a name and called it "Flamos" hell know why but you had to stand in one spot whist everyone in the group took turns to hurtle golf balls and other missiles using a golf club and any other swinging implements, cannot remember the rules if there were any but was just anther crazy thing we got up to.


older and wiser now, my lad is into free running, climbing, just came home at the weekeng shreddeded to bits, asked him how he had done it, told me he was up in yorkshire and was longboarding down a hill and became a cropper, i just say dont tell me. my wife says wonder where he gets it from?





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We used to go from one end of the town to the other jumping off every canal bridge in between.

Then one lad decided to jump of the top landing of the fire escape of a local mill.

If you look at the photo it's the top one on the red building.He landed and came up laughing.We were in shock.(it must be 70ft)

We stopped doing it after that.




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bloody hell dave that tops my 20 foot, thought i was doing well, bet you the canal at the side was no deeper than 4-5 foot. strange how things can turn out, my mate jumped into the canal from the bankside and landed on his knees, thought it was deeper and unfortunately was only a foot or so and rocky, off to hospital for surgery, and knackered knees.


atb 7diaw

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We used to go from one end of the town to the other jumping off every canal bridge in between.

Then one lad decided to jump of the top landing of the fire escape of a local mill.

If you look at the photo it's the top one on the red building.He landed and came up laughing.We were in shock.(it must be 70ft)

We stopped doing it after that.





Is he now residing in Acapulco? :lol:

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bloody hell dave that tops my 20 foot, thought i was doing well, bet you the canal at the side was no deeper than 4-5 foot. strange how things can turn out, my mate jumped into the canal from the bankside and landed on his knees, thought it was deeper and unfortunately was only a foot or so and rocky, off to hospital for surgery, and knackered knees.


atb 7diaw

I think the canal used to be very deep as it was used to take tom puddings of coal from Kellingley mine

to ferrybridge power station and they could pass each other.

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