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Nearly Barley Time

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On Friday I collected DB from work at 11.30 and we set out straight to a pea field which we had been told was full of pigeon. As we arrived about fifty rose out of the centre of a thirty acre field as we set a shot off to lift them. We just sat back a waited for them to return and give us a clue as to where to set up and shoot the flock. We picked up a flight line but it went straight back to the center of the field our only choice was to try and ambush them on the flight line as the peas are very thick and tall just coming into flower. So we set ourselves up with our backs to the peas and put out twelve thawed birds on the grass all on spikes. We had to hit the incoming birds well out so that the momentum did not drop them in the peas behind us, this was difficult with the second shot as they were so much closer and we did drop a number in the peas. We had set up at 14.15 and shot till 17.45 as DB had a curry booked , we picked up seventy three pigeons so we had enough for the curry house order.


As we had driven home on Friday night we passed a few fields of barley which had birds perched on the wires and we saw some trying to get down on to the tram lines. So I picked up DB at 11.30 and we looked at the spring rape and the clover and checked our record book for who had planted winter barley and headed out to check a few. Most were well standing but the heads were full and soft , just as they like them but none was down. We needed a few Aliens to land and produce some crop circles ?????.

As we passed other crops we kept a lookout for birds down and kept a mental note of the numbers. It was well into the afternoon when we decided to set up on the clover , we had passed it a 12.00 with twenty down, 14.00 fifty down 15.00 with one hundred down so we set up by 15.30. As it is low we put out twelve birds from the day before all on spikes as when the birds were down all you could see was heads. The shooting was sporadic with a busy ten minutes and then a ten minute lull. We shot till 19.30 and picked up all the birds we shot which totalled one hundred and twenty one with one jackdaw that flew over high and was a challenge to DB. Which was a great result after a long drive looking.









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couple of great days there pc, I think the aliens landed and took the pigeons back with em from around here last November, they are that scarce

It's a scientific fact that if you create an vacuum others fill the void ?? . DAz I was not aware that the pigeon void we had created had stretched to a field some where in Lancashire??????

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