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I see quite a few CVs and always look at hobbies or interests, it is quite surprising how little some applicants put on. It makes me think that they have no get up and go in them, and for the job they are applying for it's important that they have a bit sparkle.

I personally don't see any problems putting down clay shooting, it's shows me that they are a responsible person.

But that's obviously looking at kit from another shooters view.

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Never. If the person opening the mail is anti-hunt/anti-shooting, what's to stop them destroying your application?

Well not all license holders shoot game? a lot just shoot clays so its not a bad thing. All though I understand where your coming from. No doubt people would assume.

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As a rule I would say no but if you know who you are dealing with and have done your research then it may be advantageous for some jobs. Gun ownership alone can be an issue for some people - I discovered only recently someone I've worked with for some years was anti gun when I caught him throwing away a new shooting magazine my area manager had left me. His rationale was simply .." I do not agree with guns"!!!

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I wouldnt put it on a CV for the reasons mentioned above. I also wouldnt dismiss a CV if it didnt have hobbies on it (and I have looked at a lot of CVs over the years).


If somebody has the educational and work background I want I would discuss hobbies at interview stage.

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i just put clay shooting on my hobbies, if they want to press it at interview I'll discuss it more (I still would't mention being a certificate holder though as it's not worth the risk).



I would be careful, I worked for a tree hugger type once and he would have taken a dim view on anyone that even considers treading on a snail, let alone bagging woodies with a 12 bore. Unless your looking for a job in the country persuits industry leave it out...

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I always did...why not?? Proud to let people know that I had SGC, FAC and Explosives licence, if any prospective employer was uncomfortable with the fact then I would rather not work for them anyway.

I did as well on mine , got the job even talked about SGC andFAC on both interviews

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