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Ammunition variation

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As part of a variation I put in recently I asked to up my 22 and 17 ammunition allowance by 100, variation came back and I got a letter enclosed saying the ammunition has been set in accordance of acpo recommendations.. So has stayed the same... So they grant me a 22.250 and a 243 but additional ammo for rim fire is a no...

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How highs your allowance though? I've got 300 hmr and 300 wmr. You can only shoot one at a time unless your Rambo ;)

I agree. And I am no Rambo.. I never take stupid shots and always make sure its safe to take a shot. I was asking for 500 of each as each time I have gone in I have to get the shop to break into a slab. Its purely me trying to save a bit of money by buying a slab at a time rather than a little here and a little there...

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I agree. And I am no Rambo.. I never take stupid shots and always make sure its safe to take a shot. I was asking for 500 of each as each time I have gone in I have to get the shop to break into a slab. Its purely me trying to save a bit of money by buying a slab at a time rather than a little here and a little there...

Ahh, with you! The police arnt bothered if you save money though! What I've started doing is buying a slab but leaving 200 at the shop and picking them up in a couple of weeks. Works with my rfd, not sure if yours will though.

I have 6000 .22 in Lincs

Zombie invasion prep springs to mind :lol:

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Ahh, with you! The police arnt bothered if you save money though! What I've started doing is buying a slab but leaving 200 at the shop and picking them up in a couple of weeks. Works with my rfd, not sure if yours will though.


Well i know the chap who owns the shop so im sure they would do. Just dont get it really, i have started doing a bit of target shooting in a field on one oerm just to better myself. So will be buying more and often. Jist because my count is lpw on my cert they've said no. They wont open the license either..

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As part of a variation I put in recently I asked to up my 22 and 17 ammunition allowance by 100, variation came back and I got a letter enclosed saying the ammunition has been set in accordance of acpo recommendations.. So has stayed the same... So they grant me a 22.250 and a 243 but additional ammo for rim fire is a no...


You do not say what your allowance is. However, the "guidance", which is drawn up by ACPO, shows the following........


4.8 The bulk purchase of ammunition for the purpose of economy is not acceptable as good reason for possession. Possession of 250 rounds for deer stalking, and possession of 750 rounds for vermin control should generally be regarded as reasonable (but see paragraph 4.7 and Chapter 13).


13.24 Those involved in shooting vermin will normally be authorised to possess up to 750 rounds. Expanding ammunition may be authorised for this purpose. However, larger allocations may be required in some circumstances, perhaps for individuals who are responsible for pest control over large areas of land or where there are serious infestations, for example of rabbits. In such cases, it may be appropriate to authorise the individual to possess up to 1,500 rounds. These amounts are only guides and should not be seen as absolute limits to be applied in all cases. An applicant who is responsible for a lot of pest control may reasonably want two rifles firing the same, or a closely allied cartridge.


So, if your allowance is less than 750, they are clearly NOT following the ACPO recommendations.

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My father in law is heavily involved with a gun club (that he co runs) and he holds the club rifles and ammo. His licence allows him to hold about 100,000 rounds of ammo in all different calibres including 50,000 .22 lr.


Back in the real world my licence allows me to hold 1000 .17 hmr and 500 .243.


I think as usual guidance and interpretation are 2 different things (as always).

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As part of a variation I put in recently I asked to up my 22 and 17 ammunition allowance by 100, variation came back and I got a letter enclosed saying the ammunition has been set in accordance of acpo recommendations.. So has stayed the same... So they grant me a 22.250 and a 243 but additional ammo for rim fire is a no...

I thought ACPO had lost it's remit some time ago?

Besides... ACPO have/had zero legislative power & are a registered charity!


I'd be asking for clarification & also asking why they're not going with Home Office guidance.

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You can ask why they are ignoring HO guidance, but :


13.24 Those involved in shooting vermin will normally be authorised to possess up to 750 rounds. Expanding ammunition may be authorised for this purpose. However, larger allocations may be required in some circumstances, perhaps for individuals who are responsible for pest control over large areas of land or where there are serious infestations, for example of rabbits. In such cases, it may be appropriate to authorise the individual to possess up to 1,500 rounds. These amounts are only guides and should not be seen as absolute limits to be applied in all cases. An applicant who is responsible for a lot of pest control may reasonably want two rifles firing the same, or a closely allied cartridge.


So there is nothing at all which forces the Licencing Dept. to comply with the limits.

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You can ask why they are ignoring HO guidance, but :


13.24 Those involved in shooting vermin will normally be authorised to possess up to 750 rounds. Expanding ammunition may be authorised for this purpose. However, larger allocations may be required in some circumstances, perhaps for individuals who are responsible for pest control over large areas of land or where there are serious infestations, for example of rabbits. In such cases, it may be appropriate to authorise the individual to possess up to 1,500 rounds. These amounts are only guides and should not be seen as absolute limits to be applied in all cases. An applicant who is responsible for a lot of pest control may reasonably want two rifles firing the same, or a closely allied cartridge.


So there is nothing at all which forces the Licencing Dept. to comply with the limits

Agree with your last sentence.

However, I feel you have misread the context. I view 13.24 the opposite to you. The first sentence clearly says "will normally be authorised to possess upto 750 rounds", the rest of the paragraph is concerned with those individuals who may wish to have a larger allocation hence the wording "These amounts are guides and should not be seen as absolute limits to be applied in all cases", thus giving licensing managers the ability to grant larger limits where necessary.

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Agree with your last sentence.

However, I feel you have misread the context. I view 13.24 the opposite to you. The first sentence clearly says "will normally be authorised to possess upto 750 rounds", the rest of the paragraph is concerned with those individuals who may wish to have a larger allocation hence the wording "These amounts are guides and should not be seen as absolute limits to be applied in all cases", thus giving licensing managers the ability to grant larger limits where necessary.

I do agree with you - it seems very clear to me that the intention of the wording is that people can be licences to possess more than the 'usual' amounts, and it would be at the discretion of the FEO concerned.


But we all know licencing depts can be a law unto themselves, and this does give them an 'out' to do as they will, even if it is nonsense.

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I can (sort of) understand the reasoning behind ammunition limits. Large quantities would be more inviting to criminals. I've seen some of the pictures from the nuttier side of the USA, where people keep shipping containers filled with ammunition - though I'm sure that's an extreme of the extreme.


However, all the restrictions really do is inconvenience the law-abiding shooter who already has FAC, secure storage, etc. If (for example) a standard was introduced where people were allowed to hold 2000 of RF, and 500 of CF calibres, with the option to request larger quantities for frequent use (backed up by purchases on your FAC) then I doubt many many of us would have any issues with it.


I'm allowed 600 22LR, and 200 223. I currently have about 200 LR, and 87 223 in my ammo cabinet.


I'm also allowed 200 308, but not been gun shopping yet !

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I can (sort of) understand the reasoning behind ammunition limits. Large quantities would be more inviting to criminals. I've seen some of the pictures from the nuttier side of the USA, where people keep shipping containers filled with ammunition - though I'm sure that's an extreme of the extreme.


However, all the restrictions really do is inconvenience the law-abiding shooter who already has FAC, secure storage, etc. If (for example) a standard was introduced where people were allowed to hold 2000 of RF, and 500 of CF calibres, with the option to request larger quantities for frequent use (backed up by purchases on your FAC) then I doubt many many of us would have any issues with it.


I'm allowed 600 22LR, and 200 223. I currently have about 200 LR, and 87 223 in my ammo cabinet.


I'm also allowed 200 308, but not been gun shopping yet !

Fair play you have shown a good degree of restraint not to buy that .308. I would have been straight down the gun shop :lol:

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Back in the days when we could have pistols I used to have 500 to buy and 1000 to keep in 9mm , .357, .44 & ..45 and 1000 to buy and 2000 to keep in .22rf. The reason for the seemingly high quantity`s was when target shooting you do get through a lot , it was common for me to use a hundred .22rf and more in other calibers in an evening at the range and I would go at least twice a week.

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