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David Lammy (Lab) NO CREDIBILITY


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reading the comments someone says............ 'I read yesterday evening that of the 2 million signatures only 398 240 originated in the UK'





but if its credible i dont know as someone else wrote........ 'According to this site, my MP has signed the petition nearly 6,000 times' :lol:

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U could almost say democracy is imploding, tories already have riped themselves apart, labour on verge and SNP causing more uncertainty and the worst possible time.


Labout and tories could should have seen it coming or atleast had some sort of back up plan just incase this happened

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He has a lot of support apparently, with many stating the fact that it is only a moral obligation to leave and not a legal one. Remainers wont let this go and are vehement in their opposition to the democratic process. Do we keep voting until the minority get a result they like? Is that democracy?

It would appear it aint over yet, and I fear there will be tears or worse.

The sooner article 50 is invoked the better, then we can move on.

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Whether anybody in his ward voted in or out, they should all take note of his opinions of the voice of the people who put him into his role.


Far too many professional politicians in this country, in all of our parliaments or devolved assemblies, think the same as this joker; that they are superior.


When will they listen?


Amazing isn't it.


I sat up all night Thursday watching the results coming through and listening to countless politicians of all parties. To a man (and woman) they all said 'politicians are out of touch' and 'we need to listen to the electorate' and then this idiot spouts his nonsense.

The political class of all colours have had the biggest kicking in living memory and still they haven't understood a thing.


I think it's time to take a long, hard look at the sort of people we want to represent us, and the type of government we want.

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I think it all comes down to do we want a conservative party and a labour party or a conservative party and a pretend labour/conservative party I am a labour supporter and if I get the chance I will be voting to keep Corbin in place I would rather labour was not in power than vote for most of those pretend labour people.

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These resignations are what the labour party needs to do to oust corbin, if they get a decent leader in place before the general election in a few months they stand a chance of saving face.




Who said there will be a general election??? a leadership change in the Conservative government is nothing like a general election.

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I think it all comes down to do we want a conservative party and a labour party or a conservative party and a pretend labour/conservative party I am a labour supporter and if I get the chance I will be voting to keep Corbin in place I would rather labour was not in power than vote for most of those pretend labour people.

Thank the Lord for Labour supporters like you, for without them we would end up with an electable Labour party.

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Who said there will be a general election??? a leadership change in the Conservative government is nothing like a general election.

Me i said so, It will happen its the only practical thing they can do. Look when Brown hopped in and no ellection that at this stage in our history would be a bad idea, they will call an ellection in my opinion, and any way i dont think they will be long in declaring this .

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No reason to have a general election.


The Conservative party were voted into power in 2015, not David Cameron.

For the Tories to replace Cameron with another is entirely the decision of the Conservative party, not the electorate.

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I started my own petition to get rid of that idiot Lammy. It said there were no other petitions like that, but I need 5 people to sign it before it goes live. Anyone?


Click this link to sign the petition:



My petition:

Sack David Lammy MP.

The UK has voted in the EU Referendum and as a Democracy the result must stand. David Lammy MP is asking for Parliament to ignore Democracy and the wishes of over 17 million people. He is not fit to hold the post of MP and should be dismissed immediately.

Edited by walshie
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Calm down deers, we must allow them all to panic, after all they have just all realised that responsibility now lies with them, no more EU to blame?


What a shower of spineless things looking for rocks to crawl under?

An interesting political phenomenon here, The winners scared they won and the losers scared of their positions now they lost?


Not to worry though the money men will thrive so we will continue to pay some faceless entity?


I just wish they would get on and do what they're paid to do but effectively for once?

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Me i said so, It will happen its the only practical thing they can do. Look when Brown hopped in and no ellection that at this stage in our history would be a bad idea, they will call an ellection in my opinion, and any way i dont think they will be long in declaring this .


Thanks for clearing that up .

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