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Goose Shooting


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I know this has been covered before, but I can't find the thread.....


I know Canadian Geese are vermin, but a nagging voice in the back of my head is telling me if you shoot numerous Canadian geese, you need to have it on you license?!? Is my alter ego talking cods wallop or is this the case?

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You can shoot any number of Canada Geese at anytime under the General Licence. Unless they are causing real damage, why not leave it 3 weeks or so and do it properly.


A far too majestic bird to be considered vermin, although they can be a pest in the wrong place, at the wrong time in the wrong numbers. A bit like pigeons really.


I know this has been covered before, but I can't find the thread.....


I know Canadian Geese are vermin, but a nagging voice in the back of my head is telling me if you shoot numerous Canadian geese, you need to have it on you license?!? Is my alter ego talking cods wallop or is this the case?

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Canada Geese are NOT vermin, they are wildfowl and as such you can't shoot them with a rifle unless your rifle conditions permit you to shoot geese or has the "any other lawful quarry" condition.

Charlie, I'm not talking about rifle shooting, I was referring to SGC, but maybe I should have clarified......

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Charlie, I'm not talking about rifle shooting, I was referring to SGC, but maybe I should have clarified......

Your OP clearly asks do you need it on licence as a question... Unfortunately you have opened up a stale can of worms regarding this topic. They are a non native species that can be controlled all year round under general licence, some do this, some dont. But it always seems to cause heated debates on here...

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Ok, every body calm down....I didn't say I was shooting them now, I was just asking as a generalisation as the opportunity "MAY" come up for me in the future!! forewarned is forearmed 'praemonitus, praemunitus'

We are calm!


However, being slightly pedantic, I would suggest that it shouldn't be an opportunity (as in there's some geese there, a good opportunity for a bit of sport) but a requirement to kill them because there is a specific reason to do so and there is no other option.

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