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Steel shot through extra full choke 10g

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Hi i am relatively new to reloading shotgun cartriges so have been reading as much as i can about lead,steel,chokes fps,pressure u name it i have been trying to get my head round it all,it was only last week a mate of mine bought a new browning bps pump 10 guage shotgun along with a terror choke,when he phoned me and told me that he had a waterfowl choke arrived from the usa i expected him to tell me it was a half but he proceeded to tell me it was a choke that measured .705,my reply was that cant be right because in realistic terms that choke is 70thou and is extra full,"dont put steel through it i said.

Unknown to me he emailed the company that makes terror chokes and they emailed him back saying yes it is for steel but dont put anything bigger than buck no 4 through it,buck no 4 is 6.4 mm as far as i am led to believe,

Since last week he has battered a heap of steel through it at pattern plates and not a problem,i will say this ,the choke is very chunky,any comments welcome

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Hi i am relatively new to reloading shotgun cartriges so have been reading as much as i can about lead,steel,chokes fps,pressure u name it i have been trying to get my head round it all,it was only last week a mate of mine bought a new browning bps pump 10 guage shotgun along with a terror choke,when he phoned me and told me that he had a waterfowl choke arrived from the usa i expected him to tell me it was a half but he proceeded to tell me it was a choke that measured .705,my reply was that cant be right because in realistic terms that choke is 70thou and is extra full,"dont put steel through it i said.

Unknown to me he emailed the company that makes terror chokes and they emailed him back saying yes it is for steel but dont put anything bigger than buck no 4 through it,buck no 4 is 6.4 mm as far as i am led to believe,

Since last week he has battered a heap of steel through it at pattern plates and not a problem,i will say this ,the choke is very chunky,any comments welcome

Good chokes we have four a 705 and a720 and the same for the Gold 10. They pattern pretty good and they take steel without any issues at all.

Good chokes worth the money.

PS the size is the choke thread shoulder diam not the choke wall. Browning inv in this case.


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Its the choke thread shoulder diam not the choke size i said this in the post, the pic was for Illustarion on another thread just put it here to show the chokes heavy construction. 705 is that .705 .720 the same . Thats how they list the terrors. they are what it says they are.

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The steel shot guidence is formed around all guns, its got to cover a broad spectrum of guns, not all barrels are the same wall thickness or barrel materials , hard chrome in the barrels helps with steel and fixed choked guns have no issues with steel and full chokes.

In the case of the Ithaca with its roto forged barrel it will be fine withg steel even with full choke, same can be said of many of the heavier spanish made double tens, they are strong and many have seen a lot of steel with no issues whatsoever.

The guidance is draughted to try and keep EVERYONE SAFE, and the only responsible advice that can be given here is to folow that guidance to the letter.

But you can add to this that just because i shoot steel as big as F through a full choked WHATEVER< dose not mean you should do too, its not a green light, I and others are just saying what they do, its up to the individual concerned to make the desision if they want to do as we do or not.

A brief note on SAMI Prof for tens the presure limit is 10500 PSi way down on the 3.5 inch Max presure limit, This limit is recomended to cover old soldered barreled doubles like marlins old remingtons lefevers etc, These were available in 3.5 inch tens, and as such can chamber HP steel erc loads, so the SAMI limit was left low to include the older 3.5 inch tens, Now as stronger more heavily biult tens came on the scene the limit could be increased safely, but the fact the older guns exist the limit remains. In the case of the 3.5 inch 12 its a realively modern chambering and the limit could be increased with more confidence which it was.

Again with a stronger built ten you could use your own judgement into if you wanted to up the pressures you load a little, again its up to the individual to decide whats safe, im just pointing out the facts as they are.

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What's your favourite 10 bore setup Tony? I've had a old browning 10b years ago, but purchased the browning 10b gold light a couple of seasons back.

Been on a terror 720 choke from the start with a modest 1 1/2 bbb home load with 41 grains of 381 or csbo powder.


Killing geese on the shore with confidence so I don't think I would ever change this setup, got a good few years of powder stashed up.

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What's your favourite 10 bore setup Tony? I've had a old browning 10b years ago, but purchased the browning 10b gold light a couple of seasons back.

Been on a terror 720 choke from the start with a modest 1 1/2 bbb home load with 41 grains of 381 or csbo powder.


Killing geese on the shore with confidence so I don't think I would ever change this setup, got a good few years of powder stashed up.

Exactly the same as you frighteningly similar infact, :lol: You have obviously done the hard work with that layout.

We got four tens three sons forces this issue on us, A browning gold light a SP10 a GMK Kestrel and a Marlin supergoose The latter a family pet in reality but it works.

I like you have had the old gold but the light is in a different class re handling in my opinion it just suits me perfectly.

Load with steel i just up your load by a half grain but its basicly your load exactly, chokes we got a lot of them, I like the .720 terror the best the .705 is ok but the patterns are less uniform in the outer region and i like the way the .720 patterns , thats in the gold and the SP10.

I do acctualy like the Briley .745 IM in the tens too, i only have one now for the Gold i sold the SP10s Briley to a close mate i shoot with, the briley .745 is good with T and F steel suprisingly so it beat the terror .720 with F in the sp10 as i remember .

Not a bad choke the Briley for the money they got something right in them.

But basicly i hunt what you do same gun choke vertualy everything. I think we got it right sure you agree. :lol:

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I've tried all sorts over the years in choke and gun combo, but I know when I put that 10b up and I'm confident I've done the leg work to get under them..they will be coming down.

For the light work I'm on a browning waterfowl, with Briley full and full choke combo, to be fair I've tried 3 1/2 home loads in steel, but get best results with gamebore mammoths, so going to save me powder for the 10b .

Probably pick your brains at some point for a 10b load in powershot , got 3k of the stuff in 4.5 mm .




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I've tried all sorts over the years in choke and gun combo, but I know when I put that 10b up and I'm confident I've done the leg work to get under them..they will be coming down.

For the light work I'm on a browning waterfowl, with Briley full and full choke combo, to be fair I've tried 3 1/2 home loads in steel, but get best results with gamebore mammoths, so going to save me powder for the 10b .

Probably pick your brains at some point for a 10b load in powershot , got 3k of the stuff in 4.5 mm .




Anytime Rob , ... This is uncany i hunt a 3.5 425 waterfowl with Briley IM in the bbottom and full in the top. :yes:

You dont have an MP153 and a Breda Griz ... SBE.... too do you by any chance. :lol:

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Got a bland single 4b and that's me done on the wildfowling gun front ! It's way to heavy, and takes to long to clean ...so comes out on a blue moon !!

Sold my two double 8s and a single A&N four in 2000 syteel shot coming in in scotland the next year did it for me, i just got the money and moved on, Kid still has them who got them off me. worth more now but i invested the money in a motorcycle thats worth more than the combined vallue of the big guns today so i think i did ok. Do miss the big guns would still run one if they started making them again at practical money, which they wont of course. Times have changed these days glad tpo have been born into that scene though i was lucky.

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  • 1 year later...

Im looking for a csb0 load for my AYA 10.I have primed remmy cases i got from c&g along with cx2000 primers and i have a few  other primers around.Along with the clear TPS wads im hoping for another  decent RTO load this year if possible.If not a good crimped load.Ill be using BBB  most likely.

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