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Farage on the way back????


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Why did she resign if it wasn't to open the door to Farage ?


I think the senior members ( all three of them) knew very quickly after the elections that the party would evaporate once Farage resigned and now realising the turmoil the Labour party is in, have realised his return can lead them to opposition.


I don't think he would take much persuading as he loves the limelight and the kudos which comes with it so I think I might get down to the bookies PDQ.. Everyone has their price.. :yes:

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You are missing the big question, about why did she throw the towel in after a few weeks? Find the answer to that and you may find the reason why Nigel won't want to come back either. Infighting probably


My guess, and its only a guess, centres on the statement that she couldn't get the backing of her fellow MEPs. Why would that be? Could it be that the UKIP MEPs have now grown rather attached to the gravy train and favour a very soft Brexit or even Brexit Lite so they can keep their big salaries?.


Turkeys and Christmas. If you are a UKIP MEP, although it may be your stated political ambition, getting a brexit vote is an absolute flaming disaster at a personal level.


I reckon they never believed it would happen and they would be very comfortably there for years to come giving it large on expenses


Their potential now could be absolutely massive, they can become the 'not the Labour party' party fighting for workers employment rights, British jobs for British workers, homes for people on the waiting list not queue jumpers from abroad. All the things the Labour party should be fighting for but have actually caused. They could do all that and more because they are starting with a blank sheet, no old political ideologies to drag them down.

Edited by Vince Green
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So who's paying the 10,000,001?


Managed to get £50 quid down at 10/1 ....just contacting PP now to see if that means a pay out...


I knew a fellow mercenary wouldn't let me down... :lol::lol:

Edited by Adge Cutler
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The story is that she could not take the abuse from stupid members of the public, Spat on and verbally abused at a train station etc etc., so I'm led to understand. Personally I thought she was the wrong choice from the start, but the members voted for her and no chicanery that the Labour party had. An independently audited system. Someone has to stand in for a few weeks where we go through all the voting procedure again, that may mean Nigel stepping in whilst this happens and lets hope this time we get someone with some balls .... literally. I would not for one moment say there is chaos. The party has two hills to climb. Find someone of Farages ilk who can kick *** and rehatch the party strategy to keep a close eye on the Brexit negotiations but also slide into main stream politics. There is only one person who could do that and he did not put his name forward last time and talks with a Lancashire accent.

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I think they should combine with the Liberal democrats, that would give them 9 MPs and a good position to work forward from! :good:

It goes in cycles... the Lib Dems now have a popular leader and I expect a resurgence in their fortunes...perhaps even eclipsing labour .

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Popular leader ???? ???? ???? ??? To the followers maybe, but he comes over to me as being a bit of a ****.


One thing you cannot take away from the man is that Brexit was only possible with his efforts. Despite the political world closing their ranks against him, he prevailed and I admire him for that.


If they`re going to adapt over Brexit they might as well dissolve seeing as it`s their raison d'être.


That's right. If Mother Theresa is as good as her word then UKIP are redundant. Then again, so is Wee Jimmy's party following the Scottish people's rejection of their sole purpose of existence.

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It goes in cycles... the Lib Dems now have a popular leader and I expect a resurgence in their fortunes...perhaps even eclipsing labour .

Who is he/she? I genuinely haven't a clue and thought the libdems had disappeared in entirety.

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