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A hypothetical question.


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Entirely hypothetical for the avoidance of doubt.


Elderly relative in full possession of their faculties is moving house and considers passing on two firearms. Both have been in the family for two previous generations and neither have ever been documented officialy as belonging to anyone. The relative has no licence but has been using both until about twenty years ago. Now one (walking stick .410) has spent 15 years by the front door, and the rifle has been in the broom cupboard for the last few years. Is there any way for them to go into legal ownership without dropping said relative in a pile of muck? (if they existed of course).



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Not sure about the walking stick, unless you de-activate it, i dont think you will be allowed it?


In regards to the other/s. This is what i did. Took them to the local RFD and informed Firearms officer. The RFD also informed the FO and took a brief statement from me as to how i came about them as such, (found in the possesions of a deceased relative). FO/Police did a check on the guns to make sure they were not stolen or had been used in a crime etc. FO phoned me to ask a few questions about where and who i thought may have owned them and to check if i had space in the cabinet. i then picked up guns from RFD who put them on my licence.


I would imagine though, if the person is still alive and has their faculties intact, the Police would want to speak to them and could prosecute.

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I have taken an unlicensed S1 shotgun to a RFD in the past and asked him to enter it on my ticket when the relevant variation ( in this case a 1 for 1 ) came through.

The entire process was simple enough despite discovering the gun had no proof markings, which was got round by entering 'given' on my ticket rather than sold.

I never volunteered any info' as to how it came into my posession, and was never asked.

Edited by Scully
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