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After holding a Firearms Certificate for several decades I recently learned something .which I did not know

If you own a firearm a rifle or pistol and you wish to sell them at Auction first you must apply for a variation for the rifle or pistol you are sending ,when these are sent you then inform the Constabulary that you are selling them and too whos auction .If when the auction takes place and the rifle or pistol does not sell and is returned to you then you must use the variation. If you have not applied for a variation at first and the rifle or pistol is returned to you then you are illegally have a firearm ..It should have been sent to a RFD then you apply for a variation to have it entered back onto your certificate which wiill cost you £20.


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never thought about it but I suppose by the rule of law that would be the case, after all how can the auction house/ rdf sell a fire arm that is not theirs to sell? If it's still on your license they can't sign it on to someone else s

Once you notify your Constabulary that you have sent your firearms to auction it then becomes the ownership of the Auction House for which it was explained to me by the Firearms Department of the Constabulary


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