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Who said fox do not hunt cats


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There is a photo taken from a trail cam on facebook showing a fox with a kitten in its jaws, I have tried to copy the photo but so far no joy, just thought it might interest the cat lovers (like me) .

Success - managed a copy, not great quality but you get the idea.


Edited by lakeside1000
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In my experience, a fox will take a cat, given the chance. I came across a set of prints in snow which told a story to me.

Picture this, three sets of converging prints, one, a cats, the other, foxes(one going in and one set leaving). A trampled circle with a small amount of blood towards the centre.

It was obvious to me what had happened here and the cat didn't do too well!





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I read this topic then two days later on my way to work early morning a good size fox crosses the road from the side of some houses in front of my car with a dead grey quite fluffy cat in its mouth i wasn't sure it was a cat at first till i got closer and seen the head hanging out near its mouth, it had it around the shoulders in its mouth. Not a small cat either but a big fox. The foxes are very brazen and not bothered by people,far too many in the town round where i live.If your out and about late night or very early morning you can see loads of them coming and going from peoples gardens across roads.

Edited by figgy
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I once shot a huge dog fox that had attacked a dog (West Highland terrier) in broad daylight. The dog was being walked through a wood. The fox was in excellent condition (apart from the bullet hole) so why the attack, I don't know.


If a dog came across a dead cat (roadkill, for e.g.), I'm sure it would take the carcass. This might give the impression it had killed the cat, which I'm sure it's capable of (tastes like chicken, after all.)

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