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Cartridge buying co-operative

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Think some manufacturers will only supply to an rfd. A pallet of clay carts is gonna set you back around £5k for 28,000. By the time you've made an order that big, it's a lot of messing about splitting them up, dropping them off etc.

Dealers are there to make money, its a business not a charity after all. They have to form out the money, then usually it dribbles back in. They've got insurance to pay for, staff etc. As for 25%, I'd say they try for nearer 20% at best, but I've got trade price lists for most manufacturers and a lot of places are working on 12-15%.

If small shoots were to set up a deal with a local supplier they might be able to get a good deal, rfd will want regular customer for a bulk order.

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just cartridges are just too expensive,they have 21gram xpress 28g at £79.75 a slab,i got same carts from my local supplier for £67.50.thats £50 a thousand cheaper than just carts.and they tell you they dont make much profit.

Buying a slab at a time has been traditionally more expensive than buying a 1000 but not all hike the price for 250 so shop around.


Just cartridges can be expensive but they offer a service and carry a far wider range than your average local shop.

They are also useful for comparing prices, which in my experience most local shops take delight in undercutting.


The small profit is on 12ga club clay cartridges their is more profit on the game cartridges or small gauge as they expect sales to be far fewer. Take game cartridges once the season ends any unsold must be stored for months with no hope of a sale until the next season approaches and storage costs.

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I can only speak for hull cartridges as they are the only people I deal with, but when I was offered to become a dealer to supply my customers direct I looked at the price list and very quickly decided it wasn't worth my while, even though I do have customers ordering pallets at a time.

I put them through the ground I work out of most often as a thank you to them and to save myself the hassle.

As has been mentioned once you start worrying about splitting the order, payment, distribution etc I think you will lose interest for a few quid per 1000.

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In a perfect world you would be able to get a VAT registered Farmer to buy the cartridges for vermin control and then give them to you FOC.

Coincidentally, you would then gift him a sum of money equivalent to the VAT free price of the cartridges (thereby saving 20%). ;)



Tidy solution for any pest controllers


I live in this "perfect world" and I am sure quite a few other vermin shooters do.

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Would people like a company that does cartridges for the same rate whether they buy a box of 25 or 5000? And can mix and match boxes? i.e. Buy 100 carts of one make, 100 of another rather than a slab? Nationwide delivery? Introductory offers?

Sounds good, but id rather support my favourite rfds unless online can go significantly cheaper.


We go through about 6000 cartridges a year, even if paying £20 a thousand overthe odds (i dont) to buy them at my shooting ground, the ground would just up the price of clays to return the lost income if everyone bought online. For game carts i can see more logic in shopping around.


Also, i need an rfd up the road in buisness. If they go out of buisness i cant buy guns online, get repairs, send guns away etc...

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I see exactly where your coming from and I hope that any online business won't harm an rfd too much, I think they'll change the way they run in time to be honest, focusing on the services you've mentioned. Maybe it may help a few rfd's who haven't got the funds to tie up in a low margin bulky item like cartridges. Or maybe rfd's could act as collection points for online stores? Who knows what the future holds. Customers still come in the shop but collect cartridges, maybe buy a few bits as well?!

So many people nowadays shop online from home, or at least check prices elsewhere, it's just a sign of the times I think.

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Many years ago a game farmer friend had his game farm detailed printed on a batch of cartridges. Repeat orders needed to be a minimum of 25k for one load. As game shooters a 30gr felt wad load was pretty easy to sort. That guy has been dead 15 years at least. These days buy what you need from your local dealer, price will depend on volume so a few mates together could maybe set a deal up but cartridge choice these days is huge. In my syndicate 3 or 4 use Express, 1 uses Gamebore, I and maybe one other use Eley, two farmers use whatever the local agricultural merchant sells.



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