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Rcbs competition bullet seater

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I've been looking for new dies to suit a calibre change (.22-250 to .260rem) and came across an rcbs part that I think might save some cash but I could be wrong;


It seemed to be the part inside the die that slides up as the case enters the die


Are these changeable for use with a different cartridge? Anyone know where I'm likely to find one, if I'm right (I can't remember where I saw it!)?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think your describing the competition seater dies with the little window that you drop the bullet into before completing the upward stroke on the press. As far as I am aware these are calibre specific and bought as a set.


I find a good chamfer on the inside of the case with boat tailed bullets I can load these no problem, but the appeal of the simplicity of just dropping a bullet in had its appeal.

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Thanks for the replies, I can't for the life of me think where I saw it. I'll have another look around when I get a chance though.


I don't mind buying a new set really, I just don't want to spend needlessly


Do any of the higher end seating dies have a similar window though? I'll be keeping the rifle for a while so may be interested in pushing the boat out a bit

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  • 4 weeks later...

I use the RCBS comp dies and for ease of use and accurate bullet seating,I think they're worth the extra. I have always thought it would be a great idea if they could be used for multiple calibres,but I don't think that is the case. Please let me know if you find out otherwise.

This is the part I was referring to but I don't know if it would work how I hoped or not and they don't have the 6.5mm I'd need.http://www.cheshiregunroom.com/rcbs-competition-dies-bullet-guide.html


I've since bought a set of redding dies

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