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9 shot size


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I think the performance of 9's would surprise a lot of people on most sporting layouts.


Not so good for edgy targets at any distance perhaps, where the clay is strongest, but mostly anything showing top or belly will break nicely.


Good analysis.


I like using 9s. They're my preferred skeet shells but If I have some laying around when I shoot sporting I'll generally fill a pocket up with them and use them on the closer targets. I've used them on DTL with good results too.


Try the Blue Diamond 9s. I was absolutely smoking targets with them on the skeet layout I shot yesterday.

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Having never shot anything but 7.5 shot cartridges at clays would trying a smaller size 9 make any real difference to my scores.

Are they used for longer distance shots or closer then standard clays ?

Are you trying to get your post count up ?


Two posts on shot size questions

And a comprehensive answer on a third


Just saying

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I thought exactly the same thing, after seeking some advice I took 9's to the clay ground yesterday instead of the usual 7.5, had the worse day ever The theory says yes/ but reality said - no. I'll be going back to 7.5's next time.


One bad session is no proof of anything. You may have had an off day even if you had shot your regular cartridge. It could be that you need a different choke to shoot well with them or you may just require a few sessions to become used to a different cartridge. The choice is of course yours, but for me, especially for close range targets, they're unbeatable.

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One bad session is no proof of anything. You may have had an off day even if you had shot your regular cartridge. It could be that you need a different choke to shoot well with them or you may just require a few sessions to become used to a different cartridge. The choice is of course yours, but for me, especially for close range targets, they're unbeatable.

Each to their own, I'm fairly new to clay shooting but I've spent the last few months using 7.5's. I felt the change in cartridge totally threw me. The chokes are fixed on my gun so no room for manoeuvre there.

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I like 9's but there's a good reason few people (and no top liner I'm aware of) use it exclusively and that's because they'll run out of steam beyond 40 yards give or take, so it begs the question why use them at all ? The reality is that at closer yardages even 7.5's and most certainly 8's provide plenty of density anyway so people inevitably end up using these because practical evidence shows that even 8's will still break monster distance clays.


The only real benefit I can see for 9's on a Sporting course is for those who routinely shoot tight fixed chokes to experiment and find a 9 shell that'll throw noticeably wider than their usual cartridges at very close range so they'll be at less of a disadvantage when shooting say a 15 yard rabbit or fast pair of 20 yard tower birds. I say experiment because people mistakenly believe that 9's will throw open as a rule but that's not so because some 7.5's can throw wide, all depends on components.

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I use the Fiocchi F3 Bior which much like the Hull Pro Pistons has a wad that is designed to give a wider pattern even with a tight choke.


A splatty cartridge that I find very effective.


You should trademark that!

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