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retrieves to hand advice - NTTF -anyone

darren m

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Dont know if this is going to be a problem or not, jacks retrives are good , but he'll only retrieve his favourite dummy to hand ( the rabbit skin one). The rest he'll retrieve but drop them about 3-4 feet away, but still come in for his praise / treat

his other dummies are normal ones tennis ball , plain dummy etc.


now what i was wondering is , is this be a problem that i can correct , or shall i cover his other dummies with some thing more tempting ie pheasant feathers etc .


Darren . :huh:

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Don't know if this is the way to go or not. But when the dog is coming in with the retrieve , try backing away from him so he has to keep on coming. With a bit of luck he should come straight in.

Hope this helps but if not you'll have to rely on the pro ..... Over to you nttf



all the best yis yp :huh:

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  • 1 month later...

still having a few problems here , Jack ( my lab) will only retrieve game covered dummies ie . pigeon wings , rabbit skin .

he will not return to me with anything that does,nt have something dead strapped to it .

i,ve tried tennis ball , sticks , plain uncovered dummies etc . he run up to them pick them up and drop them or totally ignore them altogether.


Is this going to be a major problem?;)?:lol:?:devil:?? ???


all advice welcome .


Darren .

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Hi Darren,


Lots of dogs get "dummy sick" if you overdo things; it might just be that you've bored him a bit.


If you ever have, DONT give a food treat on a retrieve, it's only natural that he will spit the dummy out and look for his nosh! Also don't immediately take the dummy and then praise him, do it t'other way round. That will encourage him to hold on until he gets rewarded.


There is a good dog traing forum on........




If you poke round the archive section you will see lots of stuff covering your needs.





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Hi Eug -- i dont think hes dummy shy , as i never really over did it on the dummies etc .( i dont think)

but you may be right on the treats point .

i think i have probably made a mistake of giving him a treat every time he retrieved something .

he just not interested in uncovered dummies !!!!.

have i ballsed it up?;). ???


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Being a lab I would figure he likes water, stop the land retrieves. Take him down to your local puddle, ( leave his fur and feather bumpers at home), use a plain bumper and get him fired up about it. Hold it up in the air and have him chase it, get him really worked up then throw it and let him chase it. Do not make him sit before you throw it, just let him break for the retrieve. When he reaches the bumper and puts his mouth on it,( key point), start to praise him. Praise him the whole way in, as he nears shore start to back up away from the water so he will drive forward to you. As he reaches you calmly reach forward to under his muzzle, be ready to catch his muzzle if he trys to drop the bumper. If he tries to drop the bumper place pressure on the lower jaw to hold the bumper in his mouth, at the same time calmy tell him to hold. Stroke his head a bit tell him hes a good boy and have him hold the bumper for 30 to 60 seconds. After the time has elapsed give a release command and take the dummy from his mouth.


Under no circumstance make him sit for a formal retrieve for the next month or so. At this time you want to build his drive to retrieve . Worry about his control after you have built that drive.


The reason I say take this to the water and to stop land retrieves is very simple. Change the location and you can change the rules. Remember if it took you 6 months worth of programing your dog to get him into this problem, expect another 6 to 12 months to unprogam and retrain.

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