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A first for me.

Pigeon Shredder.

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Well l was out on the rabbits this morning at 4:30 and as l stalked over the brow of a hill something caught my eye out to the left, a quick look through the scope and what the hell is that, heron? nope, pink foot? no again, watched for some time and in all my years l have never seen this before.

Carried on with my morning and have just consulted Google, l had just seen my first ever and only Egyptian Goose.

How rare are these, as like l say they have never been on my radar before, just the one all on it's own strolling along.

Thanks in advance,


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They are becoming quite common now in localized areas, the Broads have a sizable population and there are a good few in the Lea valley as well as the Thames valley. I regularly see a pair on a field between Rayleigh and Wickford when on the train in the morning going to work.



Well l was out on the rabbits this morning at 4:30 and as l stalked over the brow of a hill something caught my eye out to the left, a quick look through the scope and what the hell is that, heron? nope, pink foot? no again, watched for some time and in all my years l have never seen this before.
Carried on with my morning and have just consulted Google, l had just seen my first ever and only Egyptian Goose.
How rare are these, as like l say they have never been on my radar before, just the one all on it's own strolling along.
Thanks in advance,

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