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Dennis Skinner's Queen's Speech gag


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Have to agree with Skinners sarcasm. Unfortunately it's more than likely true that she'd have more interest in being at Ascot than carrying out the (alleged) work that she's so handsomely paid for. The so called royals are a Pathetic out of date tradition that we would be better off without. Just my opinion of course.

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Have to agree with Skinners sarcasm. Unfortunately it's more than likely true that she'd have more interest in being at Ascot than carrying out the (alleged) work that she's so handsomely paid for. The so called royals are a Pathetic out of date tradition that we would be better off without. Just my opinion of course.

The Independent claims they cost us as a country £344MILLIOM and bring in £1.15BILLION!


How so would we be better off?

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Have to agree with Skinners sarcasm. Unfortunately it's more than likely true that she'd have more interest in being at Ascot than carrying out the (alleged) work that she's so handsomely paid for. The so called royals are a Pathetic out of date tradition that we would be better off without. Just my opinion of course.

So you would be prepared to still be working at the age of 91.

As said she has served her country well and is good value for money.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion however misguided that may be.



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Have to agree with Skinners sarcasm. Unfortunately it's more than likely true that she'd have more interest in being at Ascot than carrying out the (alleged) work that she's so handsomely paid for. The so called royals are a Pathetic out of date tradition that we would be better off without. Just my opinion of course.



An unpleasant typically Socialist opinion it is too.

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so you prefer someone like that idiot the big mouth Beast of Bolsover to be head of our country then, or someone in the Hilary Clinton class ?

Just look around Europe, particularly the heads in the EU and show me one Head of State worthy of being Head of State here.


It actually costs each and everyone of us about 10 pence a week, to finance the Royal Household. I wonder how much it cost each of his constituents to pay The Mouth. The frightening thing is there are people who actually voted for him, along with the likes of Corbyn et al.




With an estimated wealth of £300,000,000 I think they should stop living off of "benefits" provided by the taxpayer and pay for themselves now, its not like they are struggling financially living it up with servants and caviar in their "benefits palace" of which they have a few

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The Independent claims they cost us as a country £344MILLIOM and bring in £1.15BILLION!


How so would we be better off?



As much as I admire the Royals this is not strictly true .... Survey carried out a few years ago found that less than 1% of tourists actually came specifically to see the Royal family they came to see Lon.... they also said they wished to visit Paris. .... Which incidentally pulls in as much money without a Royal family.

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How exactly does she work??. How do they bring in this revenue??. And as twistedsanity says with their wealth why should it cost me anything to keep them in the lap of luxury?. I see them as no different to benefit spongers. Yes a socialist opinion.

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How exactly does she work??. How do they bring in this revenue??. And as twistedsanity says with their wealth why should it cost me anything to keep them in the lap of luxury?. I see them as no different to benefit spongers. Yes a socialist opinion.

85% of the profits on crown estates goes to the country and 15% goes to finance the royals, does this technically mean we are sponging off them.

Also if we amended the act that agreed the funding for the royal family does that mean we'd have to hand back 11bn in assets

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How exactly does she work??. How do they bring in this revenue??. And as twistedsanity says with their wealth why should it cost me anything to keep them in the lap of luxury?. I see them as no different to benefit spongers. Yes a socialist opinion.

My great Auntie is the same age as the Queen. There is no way she could cope with the travel, smiling, dinners, handshaking meeting thoroughly unpleasant people to try and secure trade and relations with other countries. The Queen is an amazing person. As I believe her immediate family are also. By being seen at different events raises the profile of deserving charities around the world.


I am proud to have the Royal Family in my country.

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We appear to have had an influx of socialists/republicans/marxists into the PW fold recently. Who vets them! Or have they just come out from under their stone since Corbyn's 'resurgence'.

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With an estimated wealth of £300,000,000 I think they should stop living off of "benefits" provided by the taxpayer and pay for themselves now, its not like they are struggling financially living it up with servants and caviar in their "benefits palace" of which they have a few


They have a wealth of £300M? That's also the approximate income from the Crown Estates. This goes into the governments coffers. Years back the government took this in exchange for the civil list payments which is about £30M p.a. so the government and hence taxpayer is better off each year by about £270M. If they are to stop receiving 'benefits' I think they'd happily reverse this arrangement and take back their net payment of £270M per year which you and I will then have to find to plug the gap. Does this suit you better?

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I think her quick speech should have been even shorter. Along the lines of 'Ones current politicians are a shower of **** and until they learn to behave in a manner befitting leading my country they're all suspended without pay. Also Mr Corbyn...off with his head. Treasonous wretch'.

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The Independent claims they cost us as a country £344MILLIOM and bring in £1.15BILLION!


How so would we be better off?

Correct! And when our politicians travel overseas on official business, only a handful of people turn out.................the Royal Family visit, and thousands turn out! They do more for this country,s reputation in one day, than that old bellend Skinner has done in a lifetime! He just sits there increasing his already huge pension pot!

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With an estimated wealth of £300,000,000 I think they should stop living off of "benefits" provided by the taxpayer and pay for themselves now, its not like they are struggling financially living it up with servants and caviar in their "benefits palace" of which they have a few

Most of that so-called wealth is in art, and property, most of which belongs to the CROWN! and would revert to the State if the Monarchy was abolished.....try to get your facts straight!

so you prefer someone like that idiot the big mouth Beast of Bolsover to be head of our country then, or someone in the Hilary Clinton class ?

Just look around Europe, particularly the heads in the EU and show me one Head of State worthy of being Head of State here.


It actually costs each and everyone of us about 10 pence a week, to finance the Royal Household. I wonder how much it cost each of his constituents to pay The Mouth. The frightening thing is there are people who actually voted for him, along with the likes of Corbyn et al.




I am proud to say that I did not vote for him, or his Marxist pals Corbyn et al....................



As much as I admire the Royals this is not strictly true .... Survey carried out a few years ago found that less than 1% of tourists actually came specifically to see the Royal family they came to see Lon.... they also said they wished to visit Paris. .... Which incidentally pulls in as much money without a Royal family.

Paris is a total Kharzi.............have you been there lately? And who conducted this poll? Polls have become a dirty word recently.

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How exactly does she work??. How do they bring in this revenue??. And as twistedsanity says with their wealth why should it cost me anything to keep them in the lap of luxury?. I see them as no different to benefit spongers. Yes a socialist opinion.

So you voted for the Marxists? Corbyn and pals? Who NEVER attend Remembrance day services? Who never support our Armed Forces? Who never serve their country? Who praise dead IRA "heroes", but never mention the 3000 plus victims? The list goes on............I have only a state pension these days, but would rather contribute to the Monarch, than those pillocks you admire!

I do have to wonder about those with a socialist bent who shoot live quarry, do they really think that our beloved pastime would survive in anywhere near it's current guise.

If his socialist pals come to power, shooting is finished! (Remember Blair?) And fishing will follow...............

85% of the profits on crown estates goes to the country and 15% goes to finance the royals, does this technically mean we are sponging off them.

Also if we amended the act that agreed the funding for the royal family does that mean we'd have to hand back 11bn in assets

Correct! People who shoot from the lip should get their facts straight, and preferably from an independent source!

My great Auntie is the same age as the Queen. There is no way she could cope with the travel, smiling, dinners, handshaking meeting thoroughly unpleasant people to try and secure trade and relations with other countries. The Queen is an amazing person. As I believe her immediate family are also. By being seen at different events raises the profile of deserving charities around the world.


I am proud to have the Royal Family in my country.

Me too ! I once pledged my loyalty to the Monarch, when I joined up..............I would NEVER pledge it to politicians (especially to the rat, Corbyn!)

We appear to have had an influx of socialists/republicans/marxists into the PW fold recently. Who vets them! Or have they just come out from under their stone since Corbyn's 'resurgence'.

Nice one!

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They have a wealth of £300M? That's also the approximate income from the Crown Estates. This goes into the governments coffers. Years back the government took this in exchange for the civil list payments which is about £30M p.a. so the government and hence taxpayer is better off each year by about £270M. If they are to stop receiving 'benefits' I think they'd happily reverse this arrangement and take back their net payment of £270M per year which you and I will then have to find to plug the gap. Does this suit you better?

Correct! Like the present Labour Party leadership, most socialists cannot do simple sums! It,s why Labour ALWAYS leave the economy of this country in the toilet!

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Why cant we have a we laugh, his comment is tongue in cheek but it did appear to bring a few smiles to some members in the house


and why has this topic become a slagging match it shows just how much hatred there is around us at the moment form people of all walks of life and persuasions.

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