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Mystery box but what is it for?


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Yes alarm detonators on the track to warn trackworkers ,trains were approaching them

hello, thanks i should have remembered that living as a nipper very near to the main GW line from london to bristol, even had a station until mr sodding beeching came alone, ah those days of steam and smoke, we knew the local signal box man bob tanner who with wife lived right by the line, so have we decide what the box was for ??

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Still have them in all trains, worked for the railway for a while and we would liberate some from.l the stores and put them under the managers car tyres :-)

My dad worked on the railways in the 50s. He and a friend once crept onto the roof and dropped one down the chimney into the stove in the foremans office. I don't think they were expecting it to be quite as powerful as it was because they never owned up to it after a very dazed and angry foreman staggered outside a moment later.

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Detonator boxes tend to be wood or fibreboard because if it were all steel then it would create a fragmentation hazard. It also increases the risk of sympathetic detonation if you store in a sealed steel box. This is not always the case though as a detonator(s) can be transported or stored in a steel box if they are suitably packaged and the quantity low enough. Most explosive boxes tend to be made of wood or frangible material also for the above reasons.

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