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Sons second Rifle

Alex C

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Hi All,


Looking for some advice for a rifle for my lad. He currently has a Webley Vulcan .22 with a cheap scope on it. Loves to come plinking with me while we are out. Couple of weeks ago at the range a chap there gave him a shot on his rifle. No idea what it was but according to my son it was awesome ! magazine fed rather than single shot with an enormous scope. He was hitting stuff he couldn't get anywhere near with his.


He now has a pocket full of birthday money (About £430 give or take) and wants to upgrade. Now i'm all for this as his other idea is another load of bloody Nerf guns.


So question is, what do we look for? I know nothing about Air Rifles. The one he has now is break barrel and he thinks he wants a Pre Charged? How long do these last before I have to take it to the gun shop to get refilled, or can I do it at home with a pump ? Would we be better off not getting a pre charged one ? Any recommendations would be great on both rifle and scope.


Like I said I know nothing about rifles so open to all suggestions.


Boy is 11 in case that makes a difference, so no FAC ones.


Cheers in advance.

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Not sure where you are as on mobile but Kirklees guns have new air arms s200 for £430 and new s400 for £440 but you would have to get him a pump or bottle. They have a 3lt one (bottle) at same shops advertised at £130. I have no affiliation with the shop I was looking online earlier that's all!

That's before scope though so probably going too expensive now!

Edited by Gonk
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I'd look at getting him a second hand pcp rifle with scope and bottle included, Something like this with £90 of dads contribution.





.22 Bit more money



.22 but nice.


Edited by Snoozer
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This lad of yours is going to grow like a weed. One bit of information , is he going to carry this rifle around or shoot from static position? I ask because the suggestions on model/make etc could be restricted by weight. Certainly look at the AirArms range. I have one of their TX200HVs but at the moment that model would be very heavy for him to hump around but would be brilliant if he was shooting from static positions. Mine is a .177 but is more than capable of killing magpies out to 40yrds and scary accurate, so head shooting squirrels at 15 -20yrds is on. I purchased mine for £300 but then a good air rifle scope can also cost you that. I think at this stage it is going to be very difficult to find something suitable which he will not grow out of in a year or less. Better for him to keep savings his pennies for another 12 months, keep shooting his old Vulcan, but then be able to invest in an air rifle which he can keep for ever.

YOUR only difficulty is persuading him this is the best option :-)

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Cheers for the input guys.


We built a hide together earlier in the year so he can help us get on top of squirrels, and he shoots at the range if I go for a round of clays so not too much humping it around required.


I don't mind chucking in a bit of money either as he will no doubt want to chop it in for a shotgun when he gets a bit older so we wont lose too much hopefully.

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Might be worth looking to see if there is an air rifle range or club near you that will let you visit, hopefully that way your lad can handle several different guns see how they feel etc.


You will certainly get more for your money second hand, my nephew is also 11 and he struggled with the length of my rifle even though I had him sat down and shooting off a windowsill so the fit of the gun as usual will be important even if it means changing it in a year or so.

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For the younger, smaller or lady shooter I wouldn't hesitate to say the S200. If the lad ends up with arms like a gorilla in 2 years you can always extend the stock.

He wants multishot, ok, Air Arms do a retrofit 10 shot mag system, Rowan engineering do as well but I think thats manual indexing. The CZ barrel on the S200 is phenominally accurate and will match many more expensive rifles. Air supply is up to you but personally I think a pump is fine unless the lad is going to be banging off a tin of pellets in a session, anyway, you can make him pump it up! Keep it as a single shot at first, that will slow down the rate at which he goes through pellets that I presume you will be paying for!

The S200 isn't the prettiest but it's a little cracker to use, the only let down is the standard trigger but even that can be vastly improved by anyone who can use wet and dry and a bit of autosol.

Good luck!

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I would recommend either of 3 guns

An air arms s200 -single shot only (tho u can add a magazine )

A bsa ultra either an se (has a bolt .) Or older mmc (has a front cocking knob ) both great the mmc is older model so should be cheaper sh.

And 3rd the gammo phox package that comes with every thing u need in the bag including pump .they are just starting to do the phox in .177.

Which will be the prefered calibre if you want him to hit stuff .


Don't get a bottle with these small guns as they are easy enough to pump up by hand . (Also I wouldn't let an 11 year old operate a high pressure bottle. Too easy to make a mistake and get it badly wrong ).

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hi dont know if its what your after but i will be selling a cpl of guns that i dont use anymore let me know if your interested?


i have a Webley fx 2000 Carbine In 22cal RH Walnut stock

+ scope silencer + 8 shot mag + fill adapter its in vgc


or i have a Airarms s200 in 177cal + 10 shot conversion kit with 2 mags

+ scope silencer + fill adapter very little use so its in vgc


i also have a cpl of logun pumps

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Guys,


Quick update and thanks to all who gave advice.


We went to the Shooting Show at Doncaster yesterday and bought my son a BSA Scorpion .22. We got a decent deal on the rifle and gas bottle filling kit and a couple of tins of pellets chucked in.


Son is made up with it, its got his cheap Simmons scope from his old rifle on it, but we zeroed it in this morning and he is grouping in a 50 p sized bulls eye at around 30m, which seems to be about the limit for this scope. He is going to save his pocket money and wait and get a nice scope on it along with a fancy carry bag.


With any luck he will be able to get the squirrels on our shoot under control ASAP.


Thanks again

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Nothing wrong with a 50p grouping at that range, set up some feeders or hides near your feeders and your lad will be baging squirrels before you know it.


Why not offer him a bounty? Have you seen where the red fern grows? Sad bits alert but sure you'll both enjoy it.

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