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Todays meet and shoot


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Firstly many thanks to Blue Barrells for inviting me up to shoot on his permission, We arrived about half an hour before first light and we got ourselves set up on a tree line overlooking some maize stubble. we put out some full body crow decoys and took out positions, BB came down and sat with me and we chatted while i popped a few shots off but only did a good job of scaring the birds off. After a couple of hours the local hunt turned up and sat amongst our decoys! we made ourselves known and waited while they did there thing. Even while they were sat there on their horses a few birds still came in to the spread!! We decided to wait until they had finished and gone back to their boxes and lorrys before we re started our shoot. After this interruption the birds came in sporadically but it was nice to see the decoys pull a bird in from a tree about 250m away. The birds that did come in came in well it was a shame i couldn't say the same about my shooting!! i guess i could put it down to over enthusiasm!! ha ha.

Later on we noticed a dog walker following a footpath so we decided to give it a break until they were completely gone out of the area, BB came over to me and we stood under an oak that i had been shooting from until the dog walker had gone. And in those ten minutes while we were waiting no less than 12-15 birds came in to the decoys!!!!!!

All in all it was a good day and i learned a lot.

Thanks again mate and im sure we will do it again sometime.

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