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New trout season.

Shooting head

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What are your rivers looking like for the start of the new season, mine (River Ure N. Yorkshire) is bursting its banks with all the melting snow. Must be better than last year though as it was down to its bones on opening day and stayed like that all season. If any of you are in my neck of the woods this season and you fancy a days flyfishing my club does guest tickets and you are quite welcome to one.


Tight lines SH.

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I can't wait to get out myself.


I've been doing the rounds on Ebay - acquiring new kit (much to the dispair of my other half) and looking forward to the early bit of the season on the lakes (Chew, Barrows, Blagdon) and then my sea trouting expeditions when the weather warms up a bit come May-time.


I used to fish the Nidd when I was a nipper, catching crayfish by hand as well.


Ure and Wharfe are on the list as and when I'm next up there with some spiders...

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Hi Jono,

Hope to fish the Nith and Annan this autumn for sea trout, never fished for them before, something i have always wanted to do but never got round to it. Planning on flighting geese morning and night and fishing during the day as i understand both rivers fish well during the day given the right conditions. Any advice willingly taken onboard.



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SH - Nith is an excellent river for sea trout has improved massively since the stock crashes of recent years.


For all your sea trouting info I'd get advice from this lot here: http://flyforums.proboards20.com/


Basically a reservoir kit of a 10' AFTM 7/8 rated rod and three WF7 lines (floater, glass intermediate and fast sinker) on a reel with a decent drag (BFR Dragonfly 375 or 395) and 100yards of backing.


Neoprene waders recommended.


Wide landing net (Sharpes do the Belmont and Seaforth which, at £40, will last a lifetime).


Polyleader fast sink tips (5') also needed to convert your floater if needed.


Torch, back up torch.


Then, aside from a few general bits of kit, its just flies - keep it simple with patterns of the following for fishing up to midnight:-



Medicine Mallard/Teal Blue and Silver, Stoats Tail/Silver Stoat on Size 6 and 8 low water singles, wee doubles, small salmon doubles, longshank trebles, small 25mm waddingtons and 1" tubes


From midnight you'll need to fish deeper and slower or on the surface with a wake lure.


So 45mm waddingtons, 1"-2" tubes, tandem sunk lures, snake flies and so forth.


And surface lures made from plastazote, deer hair mice, bushy tubes for surface work.


Some daylight sneaky reconaissance followed by a stealthy night time approach and some luck of the gods (for not always are the fish "in the mood") and you'll have the fight of your life with a silver monster in a dark, dark pool.


This branch of the sport is SERIOUSLY addictive.


Go to the forums and hear from folk like John Gray, Highlander, Paul Boote, The Otter Startler, Diawl Bach, JO etc - they are all fellow addicts and theres a veritable mine of information.


I'd also buy yourself three books - Hugh Falkus' "Sea Trout Fishing", Graham Harris and Moc Morgan's "Successful Sea Trout Fishing" and Charles Bingham's "Sea Trout - How to catch them"


If you just get one then use the order above in preference.


Mail me anytime about this stuff.





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Oh - and if you're fishing for them during daylight then you'll want to use lighter tackle and smaller traditional wets like the silver invicta, black pennel, alexandra, butchers etc on an AFTM 5/6 rod and line combo. They can also be caught under overhanging branches etc, behind rocks - anywhere they can hide up during the day but stealth is of the utmost importance.


Most sea trouting is done at night but Falkus and Harris/Morgan cover daylight fishing for them.


Good luck



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