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Huggett Belita


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For the £75 it cost I am very disappointed. It just doesn't cut it for my BSAs - too loud! Not a scratch on my Weihrauch suppressors which cost about £50. Ironically it is fine on the HW95k which is only 10.5ftlb compared to the 11.5ftlb of the BSAs. So maybe that's its power limit.

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That will be due to the difference between the way a springer pushes a pellet and a pcp .

Basically a pcp uses more volume of air at a lower pressure and a springer less air volume at a higher pressure .so a springer is easier to suppress . 

I've not been impressed either with the belita  mod .

You would find that even at say 15 fpe on a springer It would be quieter than a 12 fpe pcp .

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I’ve a Daystate Pulsar .177 & a Daystate Mk4 is.  I’ve used Daystate‘s own, both to be honest pants. My Wife took me to the Doncaster shooting show. Looking round I saw A&M ‘s stand.  On the counter was a basket with Various Twinks, all seconds. I picked one up, £30. It had a tiny scratch on the front edge.  I took it home, put it on the Mk4is, fired. Straight away I cursed thinking my Rifle had gone tits up.  It hadn’t.  It had silenced the Mk4 so much it was shocking. All for £30.  It’s a little more noisy on the pulsar but it’s still  very quiet.  I’d love to try the new Belita, but to be honest, it has a lot to match upto.


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The new Hugget Astile sex aid seems to work very well in tests. Image online from hardair mag. Choose your coloured stay rings and how many sections for the length you want.

I've got a Swift stumpy and the can that comes with the FX impact mk11. Tested both on phone sound meter app. Less than a decibel between them but the sound tone difference is what to my ears makes the FX sound much quieter.

For FAC air the big Donny FL ones seem popular and on TV take it from bark to whimper.


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8 hours ago, figgy said:

The new Hugget Astile sex aid seems to work very well in tests. Image online from hardair mag. Choose your coloured stay rings and how many sections for the length you want.

I've got a Swift stumpy and the can that comes with the FX impact mk11. Tested both on phone sound meter app. Less than a decibel between them but the sound tone difference is what to my ears makes the FX sound much quieter.

For FAC air the big Donny FL ones seem popular and on TV take it from bark to whimper.


Only thing is.. it looks like a s#x toy..

I have an

A&M cuztoms Marksman silencer

2 x A&M customs Titch silencers

1 x swift silencer

1 x Huggett belita

1 x DONNYFL Ronin

1 x DONNYFL Tatsu


Excluding the Donnyfls atm... the brocock bantam sniper holds the best groups at 30 40 and 50m with the A&M Titch the swift slightly worse amd the belita the worst. Not saying there no good but on paper the A&M titch takes it for me. The donnyfl tatsu is the one its going against next as tge very similar in size and diameter.

All quiet.. again the hugget being the loudest

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