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Out and about with a few birds at last


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After being house bound for two weeks with a heavy cold I got up this morning at 6.00, loaded the car grabbed some breakfast and was on the field by 8.00, driving down the dirt track along side the rape field I put up around 100 pigeons, so picking my spot under a large thorn hedge I put up 3 lofters , around 30 shells with sillosock covers and my magnet with a couple of hypa flap's on board 35 yards out and set the hide up on the edge of the track just clear of the hedge to avoid any blind spots from the very large overhanging thorns.

Birds came in very well and I had 6 with the first 7 shots, the early drizzle eased off and gradually the sun came through the low cloud, pigeons were moving around in good numbers, most were going two fields over to another rape field and only lifting when I fired a shot, 

Pinkfoot geese were out in huge numbers and passed overhead all morning but were well out of range, I always carry a few cartridges for them just in case but without decoys and callers they were not going to come near enough so I just had to watch them pass by.

By 11.00 I had 13 picked but the birds just disappeared, I hung around for another hour but the sky was completely deserted, so to kill a little time I left the hide and took a walk down the track towards the river, in the next field I spotted a big cock pheasant out in the rape , he dropped as soon as he saw me so I slowly walked him out, he lifted about 40 yards out and I took him with a clean head shot, as I moved to pick him up a hen pheasant lifted 25 yards away, I gave it a couple of yards and dropped it with a clean shot ,I picked up both and made my way back to the hide but still no birds moving so I decided to pack up and get back to a warm fireside,

Not a bad day with the bonus pheasants but at least the pigeons are now getting into the rape in better numbers so I can look forward to a few better days , now all I need to do is clean the mud off my gear and clean out the car before the wife see's it, 


Edited by lakeside1000
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