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This can’t be real, woman can try out for the SAS


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On ‎03‎/‎12‎/‎2017 at 16:07, Gordon R said:

If they can meet the standard - good luck to them.

Walshie - just read your post. Standard should be a single one - male or female.

SHOULD being the operative word. These days i'd be amazed if that was the case. I wonder if they'll have to have special guns with small grips like those ARV officers that joined and then complained about discrimination/not being able to use the standard issue guns properly :|

Edited by Breastman
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6 hours ago, Breastman said:

SHOULD being the operative word. These days i'd be amazed if that was the case. I wonder if they'll have to have special guns with small grips like those ARV officers that joined and then complained about discrimination/not being able to use the standard issue guns properly :|

What is wrong with providing smaller grips for issued police handguns?

a handgun is a tool. Why not get the very best from your staff by providing the correct equipment.

it is after all 2017.

One of the best handgun shots I have come across was a female officer.

Any discrimination claims, badly reported would have been a shot in the arm to a force to ensure theyprovide the best equipment to get the best from your staff.

I am sure the smaller grips will be available now to all who would benefit from them regardless of gender.

As a lefty I had a handgun adapted for my use with the magazine release permanently set to the other side.

Its a reasonable adjustment I would say.

i could use the right handed handgun . But the adapted was better.


As for the thread... as long as the standards are met then it’s fine.


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It’s really simple, standardisation of equipment across the whole squad/regiment.

If you’ve ever shot a gun with too small of a grip you’ll know how bad it makes it and if stocks have to be made smaller (that aren’t adjustable) it can make the gun virtually unusable.


However that’s a minor aside. There’s no way the standards will be maintained in the current climate of uberPC and victimhood

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On 04/12/2017 at 18:05, 12gauge82 said:

I agree, if a women can pass the test as it is then crack on and good luck to them, the thing is, there'd be next to none that could, I asked earlier so I'll ask again, do you think any women could compete against men at top teir boxing? They couldn't and the reason for that is men and women are phisyologicly differet, when it cones to phisicallity, men are better on average and the best men are going to Beat the best women full stop. It's evolution and no amount of PC winging will change it I'm afraid.

I'll tell you something, walking around Birkenhead town centre I see lots of women that Would rather fight than make Love to.


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On 04/12/2017 at 09:36, 12gauge82 said:

When you get to only the top 99.9% of physical capability, generally speaking there are large physiological differeces between men and women, that's why men and women are split when competing at sport, you find a women who could for instance competitively compete against men in top tear sprinting or boxing, I don't understand this PC nonsense of not being allowed to state that men and women are different and are generally better at different things.

+1 for straight talk…..  

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Not sure if this was picked up earlier - sorry if it was but I wonder if this linked to the statement that UK citizens who went out to fight for ISIS will be hunted down and killed. There were a lot of mis-guided lasses who went. Possibly we need women who will do the job. Not so easy for a man to kill a young woman eh? So selection criteria may be adjusted to qualify those who can meet the more relevant aspect here ie character, weaponry, ability to blend, languages etc etc. This will be a long job - several years. I've got my dads warrant book where his elevation from basic duties to the paras was based on "...not of big stature but wiry, strong, adaptable and used to using guns" he was a farmers son.

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