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Optimum zero distance


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I don't shoot .17HMR but for .22lr it really depends on your individual circumstances - Are you shooting in an open area with an accurate bolt action rifle where noise is no problem or closer confined areas with a semi auto and a moderator and sub-sonic ammunition.

Personally I like 55 yards with sub-sonic/moderator in both my Sako Finnfire with Llija match barrel or my semi-auto. With a 55 yard zero I'm exactly on POA at 20 yards, just over 1/2" high at 35 yards, back on POA at 55 yards and 3/4" low at 65 yards (100 yards I'm 7 1/4" low) So anywhere between 15 and 65 yards it's pretty well point and shoot.


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100 yds on the .17

70 yds in the 22... but this depends on your land, if it allows closer shots then closer as suggested. My average shot distances are normally around 70-90 yards so this works for me... just think about what suits your likely 22 permissions.


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t a good zero for a .17 HMR is exactly 100 yards. If you sight your rifle so that your bullets hit the bullseye at 100 yards, the bullets will be 0.1 inch high at 50 yards and 2.6 inches low at 150 yards.

Top tip ---If you want to be zeroed at 150 yards and have access to a range that is only 100 yards long, then sight the gun 2.6 inches high at 100 yards

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 07/01/2018 at 08:56, oldypigeonpopper said:

hello, i use the Hawke rimfire scope, zero to 50 yards then you have the internal reticule  guide for 75/100/125/150 although i never go above 100 with RWS subs

Just been looking at this reticule. Is it a gimmick or does it work? 

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