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Count Dankula and the nazi pug.


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44 minutes ago, Mighty Ruler said:

If we didn’t find this offensive during the war it shouldn’t be offensive now. 

I bet if someone in a similar position had said "shoot all whites" the response on here would have been different. But saying "gas the Jews" is just treated as a joke. 

I don't for one minute think during the war someone saying publicly gas the Jews would have been acceptable, I bet a lot of people would have found it offensive.

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I find this case frightening, the implications it has for free  speach are huge and far reaching, since when was it a criminal offence for someone to find something you said offensive, particularly when it's said in a satirical or comedic manner.

I agree something said like that, is in my opinion, at best in poor taste and it's certainly not something I would say, but equally I beleive people should have the right to say something I disagree with and I should be allowed to say I disappove (obviously the same is true in reverse) that is what free speech is, this law has effectively said, your allowed to cause offence so long as it's not to anyone with a protected characteristic I.e race, gender, religion ect ect ect. Why is it right that some people are protected more than others and how is a lay person suppsed to keep up with and stay on the right side of the law? Also it's only going to cause more resentment to the very people the idiots in power think need more protection and in turn the far right will gain more ground, the echr needs doing away with and in my opinion, this governmet backed discrimination needs to stop before further harm is done to our society with more wedges driven between the people. 



Edited to add, it's telling that this very type of scenario was discussed in a recent thread started by rewulf, almost uncanny in timing and I think shows the knife edge this country is on with regards democracy and freedom of speach.

Edited by 12gauge82
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3 hours ago, toontastic said:

I bet if someone in a similar position had said "shoot all whites" the response on here would have been different. But saying "gas the Jews" is just treated as a joke. 

I don't for one minute think during the war someone saying publicly gas the Jews would have been acceptable, I bet a lot of people would have found it offensive.

I don't think the response would have been different at all, it's a joke. 

Even when it's said seriously, like when we had dead soldiers coming back, and disgusting placards waved around, calling for death to infidels, and slaughter British soldiers ect, we still didn't get our nickers twisted, so much so, we didn't even arrest them, never mind prosecute them for hate crimes. 

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What's so unsettling about this case is that he was convicted of the offence of inciting racial hatred. But in the video, he clearly sets out the joke. His girlfriend dotes sickeningly  on tbe pug claiming  it's cute, so he sets out to turn the pug into the least cute thing he can think of -  a  Nazi. Admittedly it was probably a bit of a tasteless joke, but at no point was he advocating Nazism, in fact the opposite. I hope he gets his conviction overturned on appeal.

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32 minutes ago, Mighty Ruler said:

I think it’s so they look even handed when they prosecute the likes of Anjem Choudary for hate speech but if a judge can’t distinguish between his ranting and a bad taste joke like this he shouldn’t be a judge.

Oh, you mean the one that started up all those jihadi groups, calling for the overthrow of the UK government, death threats to various public figures including the pope, the destruction of Israel, and praised the people who did 9/11 and the London tube bombing, amongst many many other treasonous and hate crimes, for 15 YEARS before we locked him up? 

Would that be the fella? 

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4 hours ago, toontastic said:

I bet if someone in a similar position had said "shoot all whites" the response on here would have been different. But saying "gas the Jews" is just treated as a joke. 

I don't for one minute think during the war someone saying publicly gas the Jews would have been acceptable, I bet a lot of people would have found it offensive.

“They say there’s safety in numbers. Yeah? Well tell that to six million Jews.”
By Jimmy Carr.
An offensive joke? I guess that's down to personal opinion. For me it's one of those jokes that draws an intake of breath upon hearing it for the first time, and then a chuckle. It's definitely edgy, but is it bad taste? Not to me.
If he's trained his pug to raise it's paw to "Sieg heil" I have to admit my first reaction on seeing it executed would be to laugh. It would just be so incongruous seeing a dog throwing a Nazi salute. Hearing "Gas the Jews" and seeing the same reaction is a bit more disturbing. That does make me wonder, at least a little, on what the guy believes in. Having said all that, I might still laugh and just wonder afterwards. But without other evidence, I have to concede it might just be someone pushing the boundaries of humour/taste. I can happily laugh at part of it that others could find offensive so I can't really codemn others if they found all of it funny.
Shoot all whites?
You’d think every once in a while the cops would shoot a white kid just to make it look good. You’d think they’d look at their dead ***** calendar and go, “Oh my god, we’re up to 16. We gotta shoot a white kid quick.” “Which one?” “Ah, the first you see singing Cardi B.” Honestly, I wanna live in a world with real equality. I want to live in a world where an equal amount of white kids are shot every month. An equal world. I wanna see white mothers on TV cryin’, standin’ next to Al Sharpton, talkin’ about “We need justice for Chad! We need justice for Chad! He was just coming home from racquetball practice!”
A Chris Rock joke that is causing some outrage atm. Offensive? Obviously to some. Personally I like the line “Ah, the first you see singing Cardi B.”, that made me chuckle. After that, well it's social commentary.
I'm all for free speech, and if there's any doubt then I have to say he should not be prosecuted. Let's face it others have gotten away with far more threatening and radical speeches than just training a dog to throw a salute on a couple of dodgy commands.
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Yeah, that would be him, but being a trained lawyer he always stayed just the right side of the law. But it’s obvious to anyone his purpose was to encourage Jihad whereas anyone with common sense can see this Scottish bloke was just making a bad taste joke. Drop the attempts to prove the law is applied evenly and just go after the real terrorists be they Islamists or far right.

Edited by Mighty Ruler
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6 minutes ago, Mighty Ruler said:

Yeah, that would be him, but being a trained lawyer he always stayed just the right side of the law. But it’s obvious to anyone his purpose was to encourage Jihad whereas anyone with common sense can see this Scottish bloke was just making a bad taste joke. Drop the attempts to prove the law is applied evenly and just go after the real terrorists be they Islamists or far right.

Im sorry M R, but he was nowhere near the right side of the law.
And was struck off being a practicing solicitor because of that.
The things he did and said, if we were  to do, would get us decades in prison, he freely admitted being involved in the supplying and training of terrorists, and procurement of logistical support for them.
Along with his pal omar bakri, they are probably responsible for many deaths, in this country and abroad.

The fact that he, bakri and hooky hamza, could operate as they did , in plain view of the authorities ,is a damning indictment of how we have one law for them, and another for us.
A man who teaches his dog to do something funny, faces possible jail time.
Whilst a man like hamza, who taught, supplied and was, an active terrorist, had to be extradited to the US to be jailed, because we didnt have the balls to do it.

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I have not seen the clip in question nor read a lot of commentary about it, but I understand that a key factor in the judges ruling was that the chap who posted the video actually had a very large number of other videos, blogs and the like that were promoting hatred.

The judge reasoned that in the case of the pug video it couldn't simply be dismissed as humour, in poor taste or otherwise, as it was clear from the wider body of evidence that it was, in the judges opinion, no more than a cynical attempt to draw people to his channel and the stunt with the pug was a superficial attempt to try and legitimise a message that he would not otherwise get away with.

The veracity of that I honestly don't know, it's what i read in one article, but maybe those that have commented above are more aware?



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To be honest, Id never heard of the bloke before.
Besides the fact that he was only really prosecuted for the pug video, after reading Grrs comment I had a quick look at his channel to see if he really does promote hatred.
The first video I looked at was entitled 'Give minorities all your money'

Draw your own conclusions of how much hate he promotes.

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I went to his channel with a view to watch some videos and better inform myself and I confess I lost the will to live at the thought.

The whole affair does concern me that we are slipping ever steadily towards a far less tolerant regime than is healthy in an advanced and sophisticated democracy.

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22 minutes ago, grrclark said:

I went to his channel with a view to watch some videos and better inform myself and I confess I lost the will to live at the thought.

The whole affair does concern me that we are slipping ever steadily towards a far less tolerant regime than is healthy in an advanced and sophisticated democracy.

I agree, they are not entertaining, but more a cynical look at various issues.
But Im not seeing any hate from him, just his rather ironic humour, its not for me, especially when Im distracted by his many face ornaments.

To me, its a sad indication when there is money to prosecute people like him, and no money to investigate real crimes.
Surely if Youtube allowed the video in the first place, with its built in report/complaint  system,  there was no need to take it further ?
If he is being painted as a peddler of hate, why is his channel still up ?

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1 hour ago, Rewulf said:

I agree, they are not entertaining, but more a cynical look at various issues.
But Im not seeing any hate from him, just his rather ironic humour, its not for me, especially when Im distracted by his many face ornaments.

To me, its a sad indication when there is money to prosecute people like him, and no money to investigate real crimes.
Surely if Youtube allowed the video in the first place, with its built in report/complaint  system,  there was no need to take it further ?
If he is being painted as a peddler of hate, why is his channel still up ?

Maybe the videos, if there were any, that have been deemed to be inappropriate have been removed.  Is the pug one still up?

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15 minutes ago, grrclark said:

Maybe the videos, if there were any, that have been deemed to be inappropriate have been removed.  Is the pug one still up?

Not on his channel, but theres plenty of other people with mirrors of it on youtube.

This one is on the Washington Post channel of all places.


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