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BSA ultra pellets


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1 hour ago, Mice! said:

ultra stu always mentions falcon pellets, @13.4 grains.

In .22 .yes i do .they always seem to fly well in all .22 bsa barrels. 

From my ultras (sub and fac ) 

To my lightenings and supersport Not so great in .177 for pcps  (the mags dont like em ) but perfect in the springers. 

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It will like the ones that your local Dealer seldom gets in - the most expensive, exotic leaded works of Art that only Beelzebub himself could ever consider normal. Oh yes you will revel in your ability to mimic Annie Oakley ( the mixture of metals known only to a secret sect of Druids may ,in fact, allow you to grow Breasts just like Annie's )  and in your new found ability to utilise a chart that would have confused Boffins at Bletchley Park as you "Rock up" to your nearest perm and scan your latest "Land of opportunity" before slowly realising that, after several minutes of fruitless, frantic groping, that you have left your Mag at home. 

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10 minutes ago, bruno22rf said:

It will like the ones that your local Dealer seldom gets in - the most expensive, exotic leaded works of Art that only Beelzebub himself could ever consider normal. Oh yes you will revel in your ability to mimic Annie Oakley ( the mixture of metals known only to a secret sect of Druids may ,in fact, allow you to grow Breasts just like Annie's )  and in your new found ability to utilise a chart that would have confused Boffins at Bletchley Park as you "Rock up" to your nearest perm and scan your latest "Land of opportunity" before slowly realising that, after several minutes of fruitless, frantic groping, that you have left your Mag at home. 

sounds about right given my luck:)

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Ok .in .177 

The pellets it will ABSOLUTLY like with zero question at all. 

Bisley magnums.or barracuda match .(same pellet .)  Any head size

Other pellets 

If you want lighter .jsb exact 4.53 .will shoot amazingly out of most bsa barrels .also try jsb heavies .


For something different try h+n hunter extreems .they shoot just like the bis mags but hit like a hammer 

Edited by Ultrastu
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Have you tried the extremes in .22 stu? These came up when i was looking at something the other week, wasn't sure if they were a gimick or not? But i liked the look of them.

opp, the pellets stu has mentioned have got YouTube videos with them, probably worth a quick look.

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I havent tried the .22 extreems mice .

I dont shoot .22 sub 12 at the moment .I've had a few guns in the past .but generally have always stuck to the lighter pellets as these give a flatter trajectory. .

My fac .22 only runs at 23 fpe and a 18 grn .22 extreem would still be too heavy  (and slow ) for me .

Im sure they would be accurate enough though .



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For general hunting a middle ground pellet that gives excellent accuracy and the ability to drop quarry from clise range rats to distant crows. Id go with a 8.4 grn jsb version 

Either air arms fields. Or Jsb exact .

Try 4.53 first. These tend to be the most accurate. And are the go to pellet in 3 of my guns .one fac 

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10 minutes ago, Ultrastu said:

For general hunting a middle ground pellet that gives excellent accuracy and the ability to drop quarry from clise range rats to distant crows. Id go with a 8.4 grn jsb version 

 Either air arms fields. Or Jsb exact .

 Try 4.53 first. These tend to be the most accurate. And are the go to pellet in 3 of my guns .one fac 

sounds like these will be the ticket then to start with at least.

I may get some hunter extremes as well for rats and dispatch of things in traps


thanks for all your help guys


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