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Dangerous Sales

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Had a phone call about a 12 gauge BSA that I have for sale on the Gun Watch site.

Call went something like this-

“Yeh, phonin' about da shotgun for sale.”

“You mean the BSA?”

“Nah mate, da shotgun.”

“That's right, the BSA.”

“Oh,.......... yeh yeh yeh, da BSA shotgun. If ya can give us yer address me and me mate can come over an' 'av a look.”

(Thinking quickly)

“Er sorry, but I'm afraid it's already gone.”

“Of, ****in 'ell..........'av ya got anyfink else.”

(Still thinking quickly)

“No, sorry I don't have any more guns as I have given up shooting.”

(Quiet talking in the background) “'As 'e got anyfink else”. ….......

“'Av ya got anyfink else?”

“No sorry”

“Ah **** it”.........................





How does anyone else deal with this sort of call?




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Truly you don’t know who your letting in your house when someone comes to look. I will always insist on meeting at a clayground. 

It’s a shame that license holders can’t get the persons name and call the FD to see if they are lincensed before agreeing for them to come at look. 

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1 hour ago, winnie&bezza said:

Truly you don’t know who your letting in your house when someone comes to look. I will always insist on meeting at a clayground. 

It’s a shame that license holders can’t get the persons name and call the FD to see if they are lincensed before agreeing for them to come at look. 

That’s a good idea, maybe ask for name address and licence number and get FEO to check out before arranging to meet, I don’t think a genuine buyer would be put off.

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3 hours ago, PPP said:

That’s a good idea, maybe ask for name address and licence number and get FEO to check out before arranging to meet, I don’t think a genuine buyer would be put off.

You wouldn’t even need address. Just give name and number and they can say yes or no if they’ve got a license. 

I might be a flaw in my idea though?

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How about a scheme similar to one used by the DVLA that you request a code to share with car rental companies that lets them see your driving record? A similar approach that let you share a limited view of your SGC or FAC, and which confirms a valid licence is in force and in the case of firearms that you have an open slot for the caliber firearm you want to purchase.

Easy enough for the DVLA to implement when they hold all the data centrally, possibly less easy for the police given the mess their systems are in.

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Re asking Polis Licensing Teams confirming certificate details where concerns at point of sale -

An RFD I know asked his local Polis if he could tele-call to check the odd suspicious certificate (well worn/not particularly legible etc.).

Reply (from Senior FEO) was to the effect why should we, you have to make the decision on information to hand etc........Again, put to him - but risks my RFD/livelihood if certificate stolen/misused etc. Reply - you have to make the decision.....

As for the DVLA code system - serious persuading Polis when they interpret everything in one direction, let alone getting a working system in place.


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5 hours ago, Rupert said:

This is the way, a quick selfie with the licence in the shot is a solid start

Although I've never needed it yet despite having bought/sold several guns from people I've met online, this is a good idea. 

I once tried to buy an air rifle from someone on here but he refused to meet halfway, or anywhere else other than his home, which was a long trip for me. I have met people in a A1 services car park, another in a Morrisons car park and another on a playing field while a football match went on in the background. ?

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