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Would you take the shot?


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During the day with a .17 modded HMR its surprising how little distance the sound can carry especially if there is background noise. Other things also come into play such as wind direction  I have shot with my HMR on one of my permission and when wandering back with bunnies the farmer has commented a few time that he didn't hear the shot from the next field as a main road is not too far away and the background noise had muffled it.

I find it shots at night that carry a long way I certainly notice the difference when I take a shot with the HMR in the dead of night compared to the day time. You forget how much ambient noise there is even out in the countryside during the day.

Compared to a moderated small calibre rifle a shotgun is many magnitudes higher and more noticeable evn during the day.  

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Early this year I shot 2 squirrels from the top of a Picea Mariana (for those that are bemused) its a tree ! both safe shots and both squirrel,s passed away after being hit with a 55 grain Nosler Ballistic tip from my Sako75 3 22.250 from 225 yards away.


The thing is 

I made the decision that the shot was safe, a 20 acre field that I could see was void of anything living other than rabbits and worms was a good enough backstop. The shot was taken looking downwards to that field. 

IF any rifleman can't risk assess each shot is taken, then I'm afraid in my book they should go back to water pistol. But you could always ask the PW H&S board prior to each shot, with of course a full 3d photo plus rang,angles ect. 

Oh! And of course a copy of your FAC stating rifle being used. 


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On 22/06/2018 at 19:14, Zapp said:

You want us to go around pre-emptively shutting threads in case they turn into an argument?

That's brilliant.  I'm sure everyone would love that.

Even Blunket could see what was going to happen some wanted to report him to his FLO the thread was to wind members up what is the point in that 

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56 minutes ago, Rim Fire said:

Even Blunket could see what was going to happen some wanted to report him to his FLO the thread was to wind members up what is the point in that 

Thanks for that.

Don't worry, if we think it needs to be closed we will close it.

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though it was a good and well thought out question/thread ?

definatly provoked reactions from both sides ?

Certainly got some strong views ?

though that was the basis for Internet forums 

looking forward to the next question? 

Proberably be 

Canada geese on village ponds ?


all the best 


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I'm intrigued as to what they'd actually report to my FEO?

"<insert real name here> posted a photograph of a rabbit on an internet forum that he didn't shoot because he didn't think it was safe enough. I think you should revoke his licence"




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On 23/06/2018 at 10:57, Dougy said:

Early this year I shot 2 squirrels from the top of a Picea Mariana (for those that are bemused) its a tree ! both safe shots and both squirrel,s passed away after being hit with a 55 grain Nosler Ballistic tip from my Sako75 3 22.250 from 225 yards away.


The thing is 

I made the decision that the shot was safe, a 20 acre field that I could see was void of anything living other than rabbits and worms was a good enough backstop. The shot was taken looking downwards to that field. 

IF any rifleman can't risk assess each shot is taken, then I'm afraid in my book they should go back to water pistol. But you could always ask the PW H&S board prior to each shot, with of course a full 3d photo plus rang,angles ect. 

Oh! And of course a copy of your FAC stating rifle being used. 



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