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Guest stevo

thanks for posting that , a little bit of faith has been restored knowing there are still some fighting our corner ( only a little , but its a start ) 

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The Home Secretary is my MP and when we were all letter writing when this first came up he replied to tell me hand guns will never be allowed again, which I didn't ask and which wasn't an answer to what I asked! Glad to see someone take him to task over it and that moment in the clip where the backbencher talks about losing support over this is bang on and seems to be the only way to get MP's to listen

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28 minutes ago, grahamch said:

Sorry l just cant see any reason for anyone to want or need a .5 inch bmg calibre weapon, guess the same goes for military look a like semi auto rifles and assualt rifle style shotguns. 

Just gives our sport a poor image.

What? If you follow that lack of logic then the majority of people in this country will not see the reason for anyone to want any gun of any type. Think about what you have written man!!! We should be free to do what we individually choose. It in no way brings our sport into disrepute. 

I have written to Jacob RM to have a sensible word in the ear of his mate Sajid who is talking out of his back side. 

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2 hours ago, grahamch said:

Sorry l just cant see any reason for anyone to want or need a .5 inch bmg calibre weapon, guess the same goes for military look a like semi auto rifles and assualt rifle style shotguns. 

Just gives our sport a poor image.

Each to their own, but this is not just about the banning of these particular calibre/ action type, it’s about the reasoning and principal behind the decision to do so when to us- the users of such firearms,that there isnt any substantial evidence of their use in crime or danger to the public.

But just as you possibly like golf, others dislike it , but I wouldn’t say to you “ golfs ridiculous and I don’t know why or think you should be allowed to play it” , this ‘Bill’ appears to be banning for the sake of banning.

ps, I rather like black plastic guns- especially in large calibres as can be attested to in my collection ( oh and you will probably dislike my little collection in France of Black plasticky handguns too) , good job not everyone shares the same view or it would be rather boring all using the same bolt action wooden stocked things.

Edited by Jaymo
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5 hours ago, grahamch said:

Sorry l just cant see any reason for anyone to want or need a .5 inch bmg calibre weapon, guess the same goes for military look a like semi auto rifles and assualt rifle style shotguns. 

Just gives our sport a poor image.

I guess this is a wind up ??? 

Our sport ? Shooting I guess. If it’s vermin control it’s not sport and if it’s sport it’ll be target in which case the guns you mention are the majority. 


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16 hours ago, grahamch said:

Sorry l just cant see any reason for anyone to want or need a .5 inch bmg calibre weapon, guess the same goes for military look a like semi auto rifles and assualt rifle style shotguns. 

Just gives our sport a poor image.

What do you shoot what types of guns.  

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18 hours ago, grahamch said:

Sorry l just cant see any reason for anyone to want or need a .5 inch bmg calibre weapon, guess the same goes for military look a like semi auto rifles and assualt rifle style shotguns. 

Just gives our sport a poor image.

Nothing like keeping your own sport safe by throwing others under a bus eh.

Read and think what you have just said.


First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out— 
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— 
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

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12 minutes ago, Graham M said:

Nothing like keeping your own sport safe by throwing others under a bus eh.

Read and think what you have just said.


First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out— 
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— 
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

This ?

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Whilst personally i don’t see the need for black rifles or military style large caliber guns (spent a long time in the forces and have a particular view on these weapons for civilians) i wouldn’t voice any anti views from a shooting perspective. As has been said each to their own and i respect that and our sport is too socially delicate for us all not to voice a consistent message. 

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On 30/06/2018 at 20:43, grahamch said:

Sorry l just cant see any reason for anyone to want or need a .5 inch bmg calibre weapon, guess the same goes for military look a like semi auto rifles and assualt rifle style shotguns. 

Just gives our sport a poor image.

Ridiculous comment. 

Did you put that on just to be obtuse?

Edited by ClemFandango
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1 hour ago, Wingman said:

Whilst personally i don’t see the need for black rifles or military style large caliber guns (spent a long time in the forces and have a particular view on these weapons for civilians) i wouldn’t voice any anti views from a shooting perspective. As has been said each to their own and i respect that and our sport is too socially delicate for us all not to voice a consistent message. 

I have to agree that 'military style or large calibre rifles' don't do anything for me but the bit of your post I highlighted seem to imply that civilians are not suitable to use such rifles even for target use ?

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I don't shoot or own a .50 Cal, but I would defend the right of anyone else wishing to own and shoot one.

Back in the 90s when that cretin Hamilton lost us our handguns, I used to shoot for a prestigious Birmingham rifle club. I lost count of the number of their members who actually AGREED with the handgun ban, stating that they were glad to see the back of them as they were something that only "Cowboys used" and that they were detrimental to our sport.  

They actually believed that by sacrificing pistols it made them safer............until 5 years later when they closed the industrial estate where the range was situated  and chucked us all out.

Gives our sport a poor image my *****. 

Do you in all honesty believe that the anti-shooting brigade give a stuff about whether you own a .50 calibre rifle or a £50,000 Purdy.......................... THEY ARE ALL GUNS and they couldn't give a rats rear end as long as they can force a ban on one of them.


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9 hours ago, hambone said:

I have to agree that 'military style or large calibre rifles' don't do anything for me but the bit of your post I highlighted seem to imply that civilians are not suitable to use such rifles even for target use ?

That's not what I am saying at all, my comment is purely a personal view based on experiences from a previous life.  That said I do think there needs to be a clear distinction between firearms that are designed for offensive/defensive purposes vs those that are intended as sporting arms.  However to be clear, I would and do fully support any private individual with appropriate training and license to exercise their right to enjoy whatever part of the sport they choose.

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1 hour ago, Wingman said:

That's not what I am saying at all, my comment is purely a personal view based on experiences from a previous life.  That said I do think there needs to be a clear distinction between firearms that are designed for offensive/defensive purposes vs those that are intended as sporting arms.  However to be clear, I would and do fully support any private individual with appropriate training and license to exercise their right to enjoy whatever part of the sport they choose.

Wingman were you a fig 11 target by any chance in your previous life ??? 

images (1).jpg

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1 hour ago, Wingman said:

LOL something like that!! ?

So your EX military, or something like that. I can see your point regarding the lookalike weapons but then thats choice, and a design that functions simply and well, so why not use them on long range targets. Who are those people that decide what you can use as far as the design goes. 


Shooting a shotgun for example with a pistol grip at silhouette targets  doesn't do it for me, but then neither do i follow this world cup farce. Its choice, and this choice may be taken away by people who think that we as gun owners are around to commit crime with whatever choice of rifle we have. and thats whether its black plastic stock with rails all over it, or a grade 10 walnut stock with gold inlay. 

They couldn't give a baboons pink seat about looks. 

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This is one of my favourite memes

Image result for remington 700 meme

What many people seem unable to grasp, even those within certain parts of the shooting community, the above are all the same rifle, a .308 Rem 700 in different stock configurations.

I own a semi auto 'black rifle' in .22lr, a SIG 522 SWAT, the amount of times other shooters have seen it and told/asked me , Do you need a special licence for it ? Is it illegal ? You cant have one of those ,theyre banned ! ect ect, misinformed rubbish.
You expect it off joe public, who know nothing except what they see on films, but from a person who owns a 10/22 I would expect a bit more education.

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Nice post Rewulf,

The scary thing is 1 shooter from a rifle club asked me one day what i use a 17 remington for and were i shoot it. i replied by waving my had round in front of me "Out There" as in not on a range, and i shoot rabbits and Fox's. The look on his face was frightening, he could not grasp the idea of shooting outside of the rifle range. He too asked if i needed a special licence. 

And thats from a shooter. 

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