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10 hours ago, Jaymo said:

Once again, it’s a piece of Journalism and not ‘fact’ and has never been placed into legislation 

Remember the same applies for laws , a request from the EU to adopt a certain policy is just that and not made mandatory by an individual member state- so if it’s energy saving bulbs etc then of course we vote/agree to go along with it, but in other matters we haven’t.

We have always had the right to set our own laws 

Not if they clashed with EU laws!

6 hours ago, Jaymo said:

It’s Wikipedia- anyone is able to edit an entry or did you not know this- it’s as reliable as the input provided or that alibi the bloke on Jeremy Kyle gave!!!!

Unless you read and digest an official Government/ EU document yourself, then we should really take brexit/remain facts with the proverbial pinch of salt.


Has this been ratified and formally agreed on? Nope, didn’t think so - I have a wish List for Santa Claus but I’m sure that I won’t be getting anything on it except for the reindeer poop.....

No Immigrants???? Love to know where you get your info from ? Beano or Dandy possibly.......

OK, provide PROOF that they had a significant number on immigrants in these countries, PRIOR to their application to join the EU, and please state their ethnicity! I,m sure we will be delighted to be enlightened by your answer!

6 hours ago, Jaymo said:

It’s Wikipedia- anyone is able to edit an entry or did you not know this- it’s as reliable as the input provided or that alibi the bloke on Jeremy Kyle gave!!!!

Unless you read and digest an official Government/ EU document yourself, then we should really take brexit/remain facts with the proverbial pinch of salt.


Has this been ratified and formally agreed on? Nope, didn’t think so - I have a wish List for Santa Claus but I’m sure that I won’t be getting anything on it except for the reindeer poop.....

No Immigrants???? Love to know where you get your info from ? Beano or Dandy possibly.......

As for Beano and Dandy, it,s quite clear that you did not even reach this level....!

6 hours ago, Jaymo said:

There are many instances of Wiki links being doctored so ‘pinch of salt’

Europa.com? Will take a gander, but is it a ‘state’ website or privateer? 

Which do you prefer? State propaganda, or non-state news?

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6 hours ago, Rewulf said:

More 'lies' 


http://www.mpifg.de/people/mh/paper/Hoepner 2018 Should Sweden adopt the Euro.pdf

"European Union states except Britain and Denmark are obliged to adopt the euro but there is no deadline set for ditching their own currencies."


There you go , the constitution , condensed form :lol:

Ill save you some time , article 3/ part  4. The Union shall establish an economic and monetary union whose currency is the euro.

Its the EU s website !


Nice one!

5 hours ago, Rewulf said:

The EUs reality about the economic impact of Brexit ON THE eu 27

'the (economic) losses are found to be virtually insignificant, and hardly noticed in the aggregate :|

Probably all lies because it was reported in the Express


What I find strange is the EU 'think tank' have put forward an economic impact assessment, when they have no clear idea whatsoever what type of Brexit we are talking about.
Whats that word they use, to subvert facts, create stories and just generally lie their pants off, thats it , PROPAGANDA .



Correct!  They spend  more than £300 million per year  propagating the delights of EU membership............their figures, not mine! 

5 hours ago, oowee said:

Was it not the Brexiteers saying the EU had as much / more to loose than the Uk from bexit? Yet the EU have not been falling over themselves to acquiesce to our ill thought through demands. Their own economic assesment suggests impact is negligable. 

Do you not think we should have a look again at the tea leaves. It is a collective view of 27 states that drives the thought and decision making process. Without the states there is no EU. 

and the majority of those states are bankrupt without the aid from the EU (our contributions!), so guess which way they will vote....Yep, you,ve got it,  they vote as they are told to vote, so that they can keep their snouts in the trough!

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4 hours ago, Rewulf said:

Do you agree with that assessment ?
Is it really plausible that we get hammered and they dont ?
Or is it actually, as I said propaganda ?


But its not really is it ?
27 countries , not 'states' thats EU doublespeak, do not make decisions, one  representative of each country, bought and paid for by the EU is supposed to represent each country, and a smattering of 'largely' bought and paid for MEPs to occasionally have to ratify something.
Decisions are made by the commission , which elects itself, from the cronyist junta of the EU .
Where is the control ? Where is the opposition ? It hasnt got one, so it can do as it pleases.

The EU doesnt represent Europe, it tries to control it, and its attempts to gain more and more control over its function and sovereignty should make even the most ardent Europhile pause and think about where its heading.
Its not going to a good place, by any stretch of anybodies imagination.

Absolutely spot on!

4 hours ago, TriBsa said:

Err no. It is a Franco-German axis, and has been from day one. That's where the real power lies.


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4 hours ago, oowee said:

Its exactly the position that we stated at the start. The impact on the uk is huge. The impact on the EU when divided by 27 is far less significant. 

Its the net cost we are talking about rather than the gross cost. 

But it,s NOT divided by 27...many of those countries are recipients of EU aid, and the impact on them, when that aid is cut due to the EU no longer soaking the British taxpayer for BILLIONS each year, will be significant!

Remember, when they no longer have our contribution, the 3 wealthiest states, Germany, France and Italy, will have to make up the shortfall. The Italians are not going to be very happy about that (they now have a EU sceptical government) the French are already rioting over increased taxes for fuel, so any more taxation will go down like a lead balloon, and my German friend tells me that there is unease at the thought that the Germans should bail out any more basket case economies. 

4 hours ago, Rewulf said:

It doesnt work like that as you well know.


Which is ?
Based on ?
It we get stuffed with Mays deal and there is a zero tariff trade deal, would there still be an impact ? IF IF IF .
But its OK the EU have decided it wont touch them, but absolutely crush us no matter what happens ?
That my friend is commonly known as bluffing, or in some circles B. S.

Agreed, it,s total B.S.

4 hours ago, oowee said:

Not sure where you got the crush bit from but yes. Any loss will be far greater proportionaly for the UK (one nation) than for the EU (27 nations).


Er no. I suggest you look at the EU weighted voting system. 

I have to dip out now its very late. Good night all.

Very late? Where are you? Antartica?

4 hours ago, Rewulf said:

Like I said, based on what ? Everything ?

Take a few examples, tourism for one, the fragile Spanish economy gets 20 million Brit tourists there every year, spending £ xxxx each.
If Brexit impacts that sector somehow, how much would we be impacted by lack of Spanish tourism ?
German car industry ?
French wine  ?
To say the effect on them would be less because theres 27 of them is plain silly, each sector would be impacted differently.

It,s the usual Remoaner garbage! Project Fear all over again!

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3 hours ago, TriBsa said:

I see that Jean Claude Juncker's salary has just gone up to 32,700 Euros (£29,400) per month tax free. Plus a very generous expenses package no doubt.

and did we have a say in giving this plonk a rise? Surely, as we are second largest financial contributors, we should have had a say?

1 hour ago, Jaymo said:

So, just like other Countries/ Principalities that offer favourable tax breaks ( don’t forget we have the close to home IOM) which benefited the Duchy of Luxembourg that you read an article ( what have we said about biased reporting today children) from 2014 and jump to the conclusion that it was solely Junkers doing? 

Maybe you might wish to read an article on the messiah aka Farage and look into his loans and tax too, but as that is also just either a wiki page or tabloid report then who knows - smoke and fire and all that.


But Farage is the only leading politician to vote for his own political demise, when we Leave the EU....

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Anyone heard of the Roterdam-Antwerp effect??

Apparently the British Government and EU cant calculate the amount (don't want to?)?? But they are sure its minimal!!     (Amount imported from UK) - (Amount exported from imported UK amount)= Amount

and i'm not a mathematician! 

Goods exported to the EU don't necessarily stay in the EU. The Rotterdam-Antwerp effect is a suggested phenomenon where trade with the Netherlands and Belgium is exaggerated by British goods being shipped into the ports of Rotterdam and Antwerp and then dispatched elsewhere in the world. (Ref ONS)

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38 minutes ago, Jaymo said:

In May 2009, The Observer reported a Foreign Press Association speech given by Farage in which he had said that over his period as a Member of the European Parliament he had received a total of £2 million of taxpayers' money in staff, travel, and other expenses.[54] In response, Farage said that in future all UKIP MEPs would provide monthly expense details.[54]



man of the people ?


Of course I’m being contradictory by quoting wiki and journo sources- I do take back my claim of dodgy loan, seem to remember a story of using funds for a campaign office to renovate the farmhouse in Kent? But can’t see the reference 

The Guardian?  More fake news from there, than from the Daily Smearer (sorry, Mirror!)

The Kinnocks (Pro- Remoaners big time!) have taken  millions out of the EU.....rarely get mentioned...probably because of their "Labour"  connections. And the Crown Prince, son Stephen, still has his nose in the trough!

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President Juncker will be able to afford a many more boozy lunches in 2019. As a result of a Christmas pay rise, from January bureaucrats in the EU will be paid more than €20,000 a month, Commissioners will be paid €26,600 a month, and President Juncker will be paid a whopping  €32,700 a month. Good to see our taxes going to such a great cause…

Tony Blair has been back on the airwaves over the last few days insisting the people must be made to vote again, after having got it wrong in the EU referendum. This is an interesting evolution of his position in 2004, when just days after he promised a referendum on the proposed EU Constitution (later to be renamed the Lisbon Treaty) journalistic pressure forced him to categorically state that the people mustn’t be asked to vote again and again.

“If the British people vote no, they vote no. You can’t then start bringing it back until they vote yes.”

“If the British people vote no in this referendum, that is their verdict. That is absolutely clear.”

Has he changed his mind, or was he lying again…

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This from one of the main Remoaner journalists.................

Carole Cadwalladr has had a busy weekend getting worked up about Channel 4’sBrexit film starring Benedict Cumberbatch. She fired off a number of “intemperate” tweets before deleting (some of) them and apologising to playwright James Graham, insisting she didn’t mean “to intimidate”. Which will come as news to anyone who’s ever been on the receiving end of one of Carole’s notorious phone calls.

Carole’s main gripe appears to be that the film is part-financed by Access Industries, a company owned by Len Blavatnik, the Russian businessman and philanthropist who funds large parts of the entertainment industry through Warner Music. Carole callsBlavatnik a “Trump donor & Putin chum” while moaning about an “ongoing cover-up” and “absence of basic facts”. A feeling that will be familiar to anyone who has read her stories…

There’s just one problem with her latest conspiracy theory. As Sky News revealedback in May 2016, Blavatnik’s Access Industries was actually a donor… to the Remain campaign:

At least she’s finally going after Remain campaign funding for once…

"An astonishing 4,146 EUR a month is paid directly to all 751 politicians with no requirements whatsoever to justify or prove their expenses. This is on top of their generous salary: 8,611 EUR a month. Additionally, they receive money to employ three assistants each. It is not called the Brussels “gravy train” for nothing. It will be particularly galling for the millions of unemployed Europeans struggling to make ends meet."

It,s no wonder British Civil Servants want to Remain...they want to get on this gravy train one day!

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2 hours ago, pinfireman said:

President Juncker will be able to afford a many more boozy lunches in 2019. As a result of a Christmas pay rise, from January bureaucrats in the EU will be paid more than €20,000 a month, Commissioners will be paid €26,600 a month, and President Juncker will be paid a whopping  €32,700 a month. Good to see our taxes going to such a great cause…

Tony Blair has been back on the airwaves over the last few days insisting the people must be made to vote again, after having got it wrong in the EU referendum. This is an interesting evolution of his position in 2004, when just days after he promised a referendum on the proposed EU Constitution (later to be renamed the Lisbon Treaty) journalistic pressure forced him to categorically state that the people mustn’t be asked to vote again and again.

“If the British people vote no, they vote no. You can’t then start bringing it back until they vote yes.”

“If the British people vote no in this referendum, that is their verdict. That is absolutely clear.”

Has he changed his mind, or was he lying again…

Tony Who? 

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Personally still trying to understand the reasoning behind disMay's so called deal? 

What sane idea could possibly be behind the reasoning to leave us worse off than staying in? 

A remainer in charge of leaving along with a bunch of numpties as back up, what could possibly have gone wrong for us? 

Why do our politicians always do our country down?

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1 hour ago, oowee said:

Whatever the deal can you all get it sorted before i get back from Christmas hols. 😎

Youll have a job , your mates in labour are going to try and block every deal going unless it meets labours criteria.
Which is BRINO, or preferably simple remain.

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23 minutes ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

You might not get back in!:whistling:

Noooo let me back in pls :) Food here is carp too. Not looking fwd to christmas dinner.


10 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

Youll have a job , your mates in labour are going to try and block every deal going unless it meets labours criteria.
Which is BRINO, or preferably simple remain.

Their criteria is anything they want it to be at a time that suits you too sir. A bit like the manifesto. Whatever we have to promise to get your vote. Starmer for PM i say.👍

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Just found this gem on Guido Fawkes site (and he,s usually right!)

eremy Corbyn has done his best to emulate the plot of a Thick of It episode with his fraught attempts to table a confidence vote this week. Here’s how the chaos unfolded:

  • Sunday: Andrew Gwynne tells Marr that Labour won’t be tabling a confidence motion before May holds the meaningful vote.
  • Monday 3pm: Labour sources brief that Corbyn will table a confidence vote in the Prime Minister – not the Government – this week if she doesn’t confirm a date for the meaningful vote.
  • 3.30pm: May gives statement to Parliament confirming the vote will be held in the week of 14th January. Unlike a vote of confidence in the Government, a vote of confidence in the PM is non-binding and doesn’t automatically get debated straight away…
  • 3.45pm: Corbyn responds to May’s statement but fails to follow through on his threat to call a confidence vote. His team insist they weren’t aware of the date when they briefed out the threat even though Corbyn had advanced sight of the statement…
  • 5pm: John McDonnell does a media round spinning that Labour have “got what we wanted” over the vote. All May did was confirm the vote would take place the week before her self-appointed deadline…
  • 6pm: Corbyn finally U-turns and does table a confidence vote, but only in the Prime Minister personally. This is basically just a symbolic censure motion…
  • 7pm: The ERG and DUP confirm they will support the Prime Minister against Corbyn’s “meaningless” motion. Nigel Dodds says his party is “not interested in the parliamentary antics or play-acting of the Labour Party”.
  • 8.50pm: Government sources confirm they will not schedule any time for Corbyn’s motion to be debated, dismissing it as “silly political games”. Corbyn will have to table the motion in opposition time…
  • 9pm: Other opposition parties table an amendment to Corbyn’s motion to upgrade it a proper vote of no confidence. Still no sign that Corbyn is prepared to do so himself…

The net effect is that something that was meant to be an embarrassment for the Government has completely backfired and embarrassed Corbyn instead. He remains unwilling to table a full vote of no confidence in the Government until he thinks he can win it, so they are simply sitting back and calling his bluff. Corbyn is afraid of being forced into backing a second referendum if he tables a full confidence vote and loses. Particularly with the Blairites spying it as a potential opportunity to finally jump ship and turn the People’s Vote campaign into their new third party…

  • And these Muppets want to rule us? They almost make the Tory Party look intellectual!
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Seems politicans in Europe are capable of talking more nonsense than ours

Donald Tusk looks remarkably like his grandfather who was an SS officer in World war Two, and who thus mixed with some of the most vile people ever to live in Europe.
He tells Brexiteers to "consider your ethics." As if the EU itself is ethical and those who oppose it, are not.

He also appears to claim that the EU can take credit for what Europe is today. No so. It's the nations that have made themselves what they are, thanks to being liberated by mainly Great Britain, the United States and Russia in World War 2.

And thanks to NATO during the Cold War whose principle backers are Britain and the US,


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